1 Hour 2 Get Ready
2022 Upcoming Classes
- Schedule to be determined
If you attended a "1 Hour 2 Get Ready" class, please take a few minutes to PROVIDE FEEDBACK and help improve future classes.
The "1 Hour 2 Get Ready" class focuses on easy things you can do at home and with your family to be more prepared for a emergency or large-scale disaster. The class focuses on 3 keys to being prepared: Be Informed, Have a Plan, and Gather Supplies.
Get Informed and Engaged
- Register for SRFD and County Emergency Alerts at AlertMarin.org.
- Register for SRPD emergency alerts by texting your ZIP Code to 888-777 or at Nixle.com.
- Get power alerts from PG&E.
- Meet with your neighbors now, to learn how you may help each other later.
- Create a Neighborhood Response Group.
Create and Practice a Family Emergency Plan
- Create a plan for sheltering in place.
- Create a plan for evacuating.
- Have a meeting place near your home and outside your neighborhood.
- Have a communication plan. Memorize phone numbers and identify an out-of-area contact.
- Practice your plan. Engage everyone.
- Review and update your plan at least annually.
Gather and Organize Supplies
- Have a GO-BAG with essential items ready and packed.
- Have a DISASTER KIT. Store food and water to assure you can survive if you can't leave home. Have at least 1 gallon of water, per person, per day.
- Develop a "Grab and Go List" of the items you would need and want to take if you had to evacuate in a hurry.
- Maintain habits of preparedness. Avoid waiting until the last minute to refill gas tanks, shop for groceries, or refill medications.
Feedback from past "1 Hour 2 Get Ready" classes
- "Presented in a way that you leave with a feeling of "I can do this.", rather than one of overwhelming dread."
- "Thank you for offering this talk. I have found it helpful and I thought I already knew everything! :)"
- "I now have go bags for myself and my husband and a larger disaster container."
- "The presenter was so knowledgeable and such a good speaker, she really brought us along from zero concern or planning to really thinking about both our own household and our neighborhood."
- "Easy to follow suggestions about what to pack in a go bag and a disaster kit."