Caltrans is getting ready to replace the 101 NB Central San Rafael exit (exit 452) off-ramp from the freeway to 2nd Street where it intersects with Irwin Street (also known as Harbor Bridge). Caltrans has determined the bridge is seismically obsolete, and plan to completely remove and replace the antiquated structure with a new bridge. Construction will begin next month and is expected to last one year. The work is being performed by Gordan N. Ball General Contractors.
Caltrans will begin preparing the site next week for construction and closing the off-ramp either partially (lane only) or fully (all lanes) during night hours. The schedule of closures is as follows:
Mon 2/1 – Thurs 2/4
partial closure 9pm-11pm
full ramp closure 11pm-6am
Fri 2/5
9-11pm partial closure
Sun 2/7
8pm-11pm partial closure
11pm – 6am full ramp closure
During full off-ramp closures, Francisco Blvd NB and North San Pedro Road NB exits on Highway 101 will be used as detour routes.
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