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12/21/2018 – San Rafael Creek Bridge: North Bound Central San Rafael Offramp

Posted on December 21, 2018


On December 17, 2018 the City Council authorized a contract with a local engineering design firm to develop a design to add a double right turn lane onto east bound 2nd Street from the North Bound 101 off-ramp to central San Rafael.  The design is being fast tracked with the intent to include this work with Caltrans’s bridge replacement project at the same off-ramp.  Public Works staff met with Caltrans representatives this week to further coordinate the effort.  To incorporate a double right turn, the off ramp will be widened and a small wall will be installed.  The crosswalks will be modified and relocated to enhance pedestrian safety too.  The City’s consultant should be finalizing the plan for this construction later this winter.  Caltrans anticipates awarding the bridge construction in the next few months and will include the double right turn construction as a change order totheir project at no cost to the City.  Caltrans is anticipating that the bridge work will start in April/May of 2019 and last to the end of 2019.

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