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12/21/2018 – Third and Hetherton

Posted on December 21, 2018

The City Council approved a revised direction to improve the intersection of Third and Hetherton.

The revised direction includes the crosswalk removal on the south leg of the intersection and the addition of a crosswalk on the east leg. This design will eliminate the pedestrian vehicular conflict between the heavy left turn movement and pedestrians in the southerly crosswalk.

Staff presented a list of improvements that have been completed and outlined next steps needed to bring up the intersection to the latest design and safety standards. To date, the City has made significant improvements to this intersection including accessible curb ramps, Leading Pedestrian Intervals (LPIs), high visibility crosswalk striping, removal of several trees that shaded the southeast corner of the intersection, and re-surfacing and restriping of Hetherton Street.

Council directed staff to expedite the design and environmental clearances and begin construction as soon as possible while finding ways to reduce the overall cost of the project.

The community welcomed the revised design which will maintain the westbound dual left turn lanes while bringing improved signal visibility, pedestrians bulb-outs, barricades at the removed crosswalk, and lighting improvements.

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