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800 Mission Ave. Project (Formerly 1203-1211 Lincoln Ave. Project)

APN’s: 011-184-08 and -09rendering with new height

Currently Project

Project No.: UP21-006 and ED21-022

Previously Approved Project No.: ED17-090, UP17-030

The previously approved project was a four-story assisted living facility building with 77 assisted living bedrooms or suites (studio and one-bedroom unit layouts) and 88 beds over 40 garage parking spaces. The project was approved with one floor of memory care services.

Proposed amendment of the approved project to allow a requested height bonus. Project is requesting a 11’ 2” height bonus where a maximum 12’ height bonus is allowed by the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. The proposed height would increase from 36’ to 47’ 2”. The number of rooms would increase from 77 suites to 103 suites. The additional height would allow the memory care services to expand from one floor to two. No other design changes or modifications are proposed.

Current Status

On December 14, 2021, the Planning Commission approved by consent a resolution amending the prior resolution approving corrections with no changes to the approvals or conditions of approval.

On November 16, 2021, the Design Review Board approved by consent final details on the upper-story stepback along the Mission Avenue elevation, the landscaping of all outdoor common areas (patios and terraces) and the articulation to the north elevation.

On October 12. 2021 the Planning Commission conditionally approved modifications to the building design which increased the height 11’ 2”, increased the number of rooms from 77 to 103 rooms and increased the number of beds from 88 to 105 beds.

On September 28, 2021, the Planning Commission is tentatively scheduled to review the proposed design changes to the approved project, including a request for height bonus, which will also result in increasing the number of residential rooms, from 77 approved residential rooms to 103 proposed residential rooms.

On August 3, 2021, the Design Review Board (Board) continued their review of the proposed increase in building height and suite count. Revisions to the design include greater articulation, including stepping back the proposed upper floor and returning the rooftop deck to the project. Design changes have resulted in the reduction of the number of proposed residential rooms, from 106 to 103. The Board recommended approval of the proposed design changes to the approved project, subject to the following conditions: 1) ) The upper-story along the Mission Ave elevation shall stepback further from the gable roof element; 2) include and updated landscape plan, showing the proposed landscaping at all outdoor common areas (patios and terraces); and 3) The applicant is encouraged to explore providing greater articulation to the northeast corner of the building, along the Lincoln Ave elevation to help break up perceived visual bulk. the Board requested the additional design changes return to them after Planning Commission review for final review, prior to building permit issuance. These additional design changes requested by the Board have been incorporated into the plans prior to Planning Commission review.

On June 8, 2021, the Design Review Board reviewed the proposed increase in building height and suite count. At that their meeting, the Design Review Board continuance their review to allow the applicant an opportunity to revise the building design to provide architectural ‘integration’ between the proposed height bonus and the approved Mission Revival architecture of the building. The Design Review Board recommended the applicant explore greater articulation including, but not limited to, stepping back the proposed upper floor.

On July 10, 2018, the Planning Commission with the recommendation of the Design Review Board approved the project with conditions. One of the conditions require the project to return to the Design Review Board for review of final details on landscaping, exterior lighting and outdoor terrace finishes. No date has been identified for this subsequent review by the Design Review Board. Key Planning Documents:

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