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1248 Fifth Ave

A picture containing outdoor, tree, building, apartment building
Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN): 01130026   (011-300-26)
Project Planner: Jose M. Herrera-Preza, Principal Planner
Application Date December 3, 2024
Status Incomplete

Project Description

The project consists of a multi-family housing development with 187 residential units with ground-level lobbies, amenity spaces, and 157 parking spaces at 1248 Fifth Avenue. The building will have primary frontage along Fifth Avenue and the rear along Mission Avenue. The proposal will demolish the existing one-story commercial building on the site.

The application is an SB-330 and State Density Bonus project. The development will provide 15% of the base residential density as very low-income units (187 total units, 19 affordable units, and 61 density bonus units). The affordable units will be evenly dispersed throughout the building. The affordable units shall be 13 one-bedroom units and 6 two-bedroom units. The affordable units will match the market rate units exactly in size and amenities.

Project Status

This project is Incomplete.

The applicant is requesting the following list of waivers or reduction of development standards are required to physically accommodate the proposed density bonus project:

  • Waiver of 40’ height limit in T5N 40/60 and 40’ limit in T4N 40/50.
  • Waiver of 7’ side street façade zone setback at the T4N 40/50 portion of site.
  • Waiver of 7’ side street setback at the T4N 40/50 portion of site.
  • Waiver of 5’ side setback at the T4N 40/50 portion of site.
  • Waiver of 15’ rear yard setback at the T4N 40/50 portion of site.
  • Waiver of 35’ top plate for both zonings.
  • Waiver of front and side street step backs above 35’ for both zonings.
  • Waiver of front street parking setback of 30’ at T5N 40/60 and 25’ at T4N 40/50.
  • Waiver of side street 25’ minimum parking setback.
  • Waiver of front street 12’ maximum driveway width.
  • Waiver of side street / alley 20’ maximum driveway width.
  • Waiver of 14’ maximum curb cut.
  • Waiver of setbacks for the civic area.
  • Waiver of bike parking requirement.



For any questions or comments on the project, please contact the City’s Planning Division at

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