2018 Wildland Urban Interface Symposium
Hosted by the San Rafael Fire Department and Dominican University. This symposium is a 3 hour event that covers 17 different speakers from state and local agencies as well as PG&E and congress. Here you will find the presentation in audio and video form
Speaker Bios:
Download the speaker's biographies.
Presentation links:
California Department of Insurance:
- 1-800-927-4357
- insurance.ca.gov
PG&E Maps:
- 1-800-PGE-5000
- cpuc.ca.gov/FireThreatMaps
- pgecommitment.com
FIRE Safe MARIN - Firewise USA:
County Parks:
- (415) 473-6387
- marincountyparks.org
State Parks:
Cal OES:
Additional Information:
YouTube - Home and landscape wildfire defense lessons learned from the 2017 California wildfire season