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2020 NOFA – Affordable Housing


Notice of Funding Availability

For the Development or Acquisition of Affordable Multi-Family Rental Housing

Published: June 5, 2020

Applications Due: June 19, 2020 by 5:00pm

Full NOFA Announcement available here: City of San Rafael Affordable Housing Trust Fund NOFA

Application available here: Affordable Housing Trust Fund Application

The City of San Rafael hereby announces the availability of one million six-hundred thousand dollars ($1,600,000) of initial funding to spur the creation of affordable family rental housing. Funding above this initial funding amount may be awarded as part of this NOFA depending on the availability of additional Trust Fund monies. These funds are being made available through a commitment by the San Rafael City Council to encourage the development and preservation of family rental housing in the City of San Rafael. The City of San Rafael Community Development Department (“CDD”) will be leading these efforts on behalf of the City and is now seeking applications for the development or acquisition of rental housing affordable to lower income households.

Successful applicants will be responsible for all entitlements, construction and long-term management of the housing. CDD will provide technical assistance on topics such as site analysis, assistance with fee waivers, and conducting public outreach.

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