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2023 Sewer Improvements- Various Locations

Project Goals

The San Rafael Sanitation District will be conducting various sewer repairs across the District to address maintenance challenges, including areas with limited access and deteriorated sewer mainlines and manholes. This project aims to rehabilitate the deteriorated components to improve the overall performance, serviceability, and reliability of the system.



Construction $2,054,590.00



This project consists of repairing and replacing various sewer mainline segments, reconnecting laterals, and rehabilitating deteriorated manholes throughout the District.  The various locations where the sewer repairs will take place are:

  1. Madrona Street, between Greenwood Avenue to Clorinda Avenue. Map Link: Madrona_Ave_sewer_repairs
  2. Billou Street, between Bret Avenue and Du Bois Street. Map Link: Billou_St_sewer_repairs
  3. Grove Street, south of San Rafael Avenue. Map Link: Grove_St_sewer_repairs
  4. Edgewood Way, easement area from Valley View Avenue to Edgewood Way. Map Link: Edgewood_Way_sewer_repairs
  5. Orange Tree easement, north of Sunset Way. Map Link: Orange_Tree_easement_sewer_repairs
  6. McCoy Road, southeast of Bungalow Avenue. Map Link:  McCoy_Rd_sewer_repairs
  7. Fourth Street & C Street. Map Link:  4th_St_sewer_repairs
  8. Bayo Vista Way and East Crescent Drive. Map Link: Bayo_Vista_Way_sewer_repairs
  9. Terradillo Avenue Easement. Map Link: Terradillo_Ave_easement_sewer_repairs
  10. Fourth Street & B Street. Map Link: 4th_St_sewer_repairs


Bidding July 12, 2024
Construction   September 2024- November 2024


Project Contact

San Rafael Sanitation District

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