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Construction Around the City – Buildingeye Map

Posted on October 5, 2018

San Rafael Public Works is proud to announce that we’ve launched buildingeye, an interactive, user-friendly online map that allows constituents to easily look up roadway construction happening in San Rafael and allows those doing the construction to view the status of their permit online. The map is now live on the Public Works homepage at

The map currently shows all encroachment permits in San Rafael from 2015 to today. An encroachment permit is a permit issued by Public Works that is required for any construction activities in the public right of way such as a public street or sidewalk. All roadway construction in San Rafael requires an encroachment permit. Encroachment permits are represented on the buildingeye map as a dot and are shown as either blue open permits (construction work ongoing or awaiting final inspection), or green closed permits (work and final inspection completed). When you click on a permit more detail comes up such as the permit number, project type, a description, the contractor name, and importantly the status of the permit.

The search bar at the top center of the map allows for users to search permits by address or even by neighborhood. There are simple filters for finding encroachment permits by date or type, such as Utility (gas line replacement) or Minor Temporary (sidewalk work or a PODS container). The tool also allows the users to create alerts that will send email notifications when encroachment permits are posted in specific neighborhoods, or within a fixed square foot radius. building eye
Building eye Updates to the online map are fully automated and happen at 11am and 11pm, seven days a week. Contractors who are awaiting approval of their permit can also keep an eye on the status of their permit and be notified when changes occur.

The new buildingeye map is available on the Public Works homepage:

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