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703 Third St. – Mixed-Use Project

Address: 703-723 Third St.; 898 Lincoln Ave.

APN's: 011-278-01 and -02

Project No.:  UP18-008, ED18-018, LLA18-001

Applicant: Rick Williams; Van Meter Williams Pollack LLP
333 Bryant St., Suite 300
San Francisco, CA 94107
(415) 974-5352

Project Planner: Steve Stafford
(415) 458-5048

Project Description

The City has received an application proposing to redevelop and consolidate two contiguous Downtown parcels, currently developed with existing one- and two-story commercial buildings and associated surface parking. The project proposes to construct a 6-story, 73’-tall, mixed-use building with 120 rental units or apartments above a 969 sq. ft. commercial space and 121 garage parking spaces, including 112 mechanical parking lifts.

The proposed configuration of the new residential apartments includes:

  • 33, Studio units; 342-539 sq. ft. in size
  • 44, 1-bedroom units; 525-795 sq. ft. in size
  • 43, 2-bedroom units; 520-1,068 sq. ft. in size

The project proposes 9 affordable or ‘below-market-rate’ units (5 at the ‘very low-income’ household levels and 4 at the ‘low income’ household levels, which represents 20% of the maximum base density (45 units) allowed on the project site. By meeting the affordable housing requirement, the project is automatically granted a State Density Bonus of an additional 16 ‘market-rate’ units. The project requests; 1) An additional State Density Bonus of an additional 59 ‘market-rate’ units; 2) A height bonus of an additional 7’, from 66’ to 73’, under the State Density Bonus law; 3) Reduced parking rates under the State Density Bonus law; and 4) A waiver of the required 5’ front setback along Third St., under the State Density Bonus law. The project proposes to demolish the existing commercial buildings on the sites.

Project Plans

Current Project Plans (Submitted August 20, 2019)

Project Studies

Green House Gas Reduction Strategy Compliance Checklist 2018

Acoustical Study

Archaeological and Historic Review

Geotechnical Investigation Report

Air Quality Analysis

Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Part 1

Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Part 2

Preliminary Title Report Part 1

Preliminary Title Report Part 2

Traffic Study

Traffic Study Appendix A: Synchro Data - Existing Conditions

Current Status

On March 22, 2018, formal applications were submitted to the City for the proposed new development.

On February 26, 2019, the Planning Commission provided initial review and feedback on specific topic areas associated with the project, as requested by staff, including: 1) land use; 2) density; 3) height; 4) front setback; 5) bulk/mass; 6) stacked parking; and 7) environmental findings. Staff sought only direction from the Commission. No action (approval or denial) was requested or taken at this hearing. Comments provided by the Commission will be used as guide to modify the project, as necessary.

On May 7, 2019, the Design Review Board reviewed the proposed site and building design of the project. The Design Review Board recommended approval of the project design, as presented, including ‘Gateway’ corner (Third St. and Tamalpais Ave.) facade enhancements.

On August 27, 2019 the Planning Commission recommended approval of the proposed project to the City Council with the requested density and height bonuses and front setback waiver.

On October 7, 2019, the City Council is scheduled to review and act on the proposed project.

Staff Report

All staff reports and agendas for this project can be found on the public meetings page of this website: 

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