Updates to City Hall Hours on Fridays in July and August 


703 3rd Street Project – 119-Unit Residential

Address:  703-723 Third St.; 898 Lincoln Ave.
APN's:  011-278-01 and -02
Project No.: PLAN22-130
Applicant: Jordan Sullivan, SLI
710 2nd Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
Project Planner:  Monica Ly
(415) 458-5048

703 3rd Street Building

Project Description

The Planning Division has received a Notice of Intent (NOI) to submit an S35 Application for 703 3rd Street in addition to an SB330 Preliminary Application form proposing to redevelop and consolidate two contiguous Downtown parcels, currently developed with existing one- and two-story commercial buildings and associated surface parking.  The project proposes to construct an 8-story, 92’-tall, residential building with 119 residential units and  38 parking spaces.

The proposed configuration of the new residential apartments includes:

  • 28, Studio units
  • 56, 1-bedroom units
  • 35, 2-bedroom units

The project proposes 9 affordable or ‘below-market-rate’ units at 'low-income’ household levels.

SB 35 took effect on January 1, 2018, and requires that development applications meeting certain criteria must be subject to a streamlined, ministerial approval process. This criterion includes providing a certain amount of affordable housing, paying prevailing wages to construction workers, and complying with objective development standards.  For San Rafael, at least ten percent (10%) of the units of an SB 35 project must be provided as Below Market Rate Units affordable to low-income households. Read more about SB35.

SB 330, “The Housing Crisis Act of 2019,” became effective January 1, 2020, and allows eligible housing development projects to submit a “preliminary application” - a questionnaire and checklist of required materials which, when deemed submitted shall have the effect of vesting the development requirements, standards, and fees in place at the time of determination. Read more about SB330.

Project Status

  • The City is currently conducting the tribal consultation process with an affected Native American tribe for this project.
  • On October 6, 2022, the Planning Division determined that the applicant has provided the required submittal materials for a Preliminary Development Project Application (SB 330). SB330 Verification
  • On August 12, 2022, the Applicant submitted an SB-35 NOI (Notice of Intention) and an SB330 Preliminary Application.
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