The City of San Rafael (City) hereby requests proposals from qualified consultants for the design and preparation of construction contract documents for the project entitled 76 D Street Slipout Repair. It is the intent of the City to hire a qualified consultant who can provide project management, preliminary design, environmental documentation, permitting assistance, final design services and construction design support services. The final product sought is construction contract documents including plans, specifications, and cost estimates ready for bid. This project may require the expertise of a multidisciplined team consisting of structural, geotechnical, civil, environmental, and other required disciplines to complete the full range of required services. The City intends to seek reimbursement from the Federal High Way Administration (FHWA), and all federal reimbursement guidelines shall be followed throughout this project to ensure proper documentation for the reimbursement of funds.
Interested consultants are invited to submit proposals in accordance with the requirements of this Request for Proposals (RFP). The proposals shall be submitted to the City of San- Rafael Department of Public Works as noted in the 11 Proposal Submittal” section in this RFP. Each proposer shall submit proposals in accordance with the section entitled “Proposal Requirements” of this RFP.