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9/18 Webinar: Learn about PG&E’s wildfire safety efforts

Posted on September 12, 2019

Does PG&E have your contact info?

PG&E will be hosting an upcoming webinar to share information about their Community Wildfire Safety Program (CWSP). This webinar will provide an additional opportunity for anyone who is interested in PG&E’s wildfire safety efforts to receive a presentation from PG&E leadership, ask questions and provide feedback.

Topics will include:

  • Expansion of the Public Safety Power Shutoff program
  • Accelerated safety inspections of electric infrastructure
  • Enhanced vegetation management around power lines
  • Hardening the electric system for the future by replacing equipment and installing stronger and more resilient poles and covered power lines

Below is more information about the upcoming webinar. Please feel free to share this invitation with your friends, family or business.

Wildfire Safety Informational Webinar*
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

For more information regarding our ongoing wildfire safety efforts, please visit Additional preparedness tips can also be found at

Event Notes
Please note that for optimal viewing, it is best not to use a VPN, but instead to connect directly to the Internet.
Please disable any pop-up blockers in order to view the content in its entirety.
This event is being streamed. It is recommended that you listen via your computer speakers. An additional option for audio listening is to dial in:
○ Toll-Free Attendee Dial In: 1-855-247-4312
○ Passcode: 5374548
○ Closed captioning for the event will be available in English, Spanish and Chinese.
○ For your convenience, a copy of the presentation is also available here and a recording of a past webinar is available here.

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