Updates to City Hall Hours on Fridays in July and August 


519 4th Street Housing Development

The City of San Rafael (City) solicited proposals for the development of affordable housing on a city [1] owned property located at 519 4th Street. This site is in a prime location, within San Rafael’s vibrant and walkable downtown, two blocks from San Rafael’s Transit Center, and near multiple grocery stores and education facilities. The City of San Rafael is committed to meeting the housing needs of all its residents, including those with lower incomes or special housing needs. Housing & Homelessness is one of the San Rafael City Council's four policy focus areas, including creating new housing and using a "Housing First" model. Sites such as this on publicly-owned land present some of the best opportunities in the city for deeply affordable units.

Information on this project, including public outreach and comment opportunities, will be updated as that information becomes available.

Staff report to the City Council May 20, 2024

Item 4.c. City-Owned Property as Exempt Surplus Land, and Affordable Housing Development Exclusive Negotiating Agreement for City Property
Resolution Determining and Declaring the City-Owned Site Located at 519 4th Street (APN 014-123-06) to be Exempt Surplus Land Pursuant to Government Code Section 54221(f)(1)(A), and Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with Abode Housing Development (CED)
Recommended Action – Adopt Resolution
See full Staff Report here

Abode proposal received January 24, 2024

See full Narrative Response received from Abode

Request for Proposal issued on December 8, 2023

2023 RFP - Development of New Affordable Housing - San Rafael (cityofsanrafael.org)

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