Updates to City Hall Hours on Fridays in July and August 


Age-Friendly Information & Resources

Useful Links

Age-Friendly San Rafael Strategic Plan

Presentation One to the City Council

Presentation Two to the City Council

Survey Results

AARP Age-Friendly Index

FrameWorks Institute – Reframing Aging Toolkit


News Articles

Midcareer Women Face Postpandemic Ageism

Ageism in employment has been well-documented, especially for women. In a previous post, I wrote about the difficulties that women over fifty often face in getting hired or retaining employment. A new study conducted by AARP on midcareer women, reported by Sara Luterman for the 19th, found that women aged forty to sixty-five are facing more difficulties in bouncing back from pandemic layoffs than their younger peers. Because of ageism, the long-term negative impact on their financial health could be devastating. READ MORE

VIDEO - Coming of Age in Aging America


Key Informant Interviews

We held key informant interviews with various City of San Rafael Department heads and community nonprofit leaders, which included:

  • Susan Andrade-Wax, City of San Rafael, Library & Recreation Director
  • Henry Bankhead, City of San Rafael, Assistant Library & Recreation Director
  • Diana Bishop, City of San Rafael, Police Chief
  • Omar Carrera, CEO, Canal Alliance
  • Kate Colin, City of San Rafael, Vice Mayor
  • Christopher Gray, City of San Rafael, Fire Chief
  • Bill Guerin, City of San Rafael, Public Works Director
  • Nancy Masters, Jewish Family and Children’s Services
  • Dr. Ruth Ramsey, Dr. Andrea Boyle, and Dr. Gina Tucker-Tighe, Dominican University



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