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Resources for Seniors

Aging and Adult Services provides a multi-disciplinary system of services and supports for older adults and persons with disabilities to promote quality of life and independence. Funding comes from the federal and state governments and the County of Marin.

Vivalon helps Marin County’s older adults and vulnerable residents thrive through the power of human connection with rides, meals, classes, care, advice and more.

The San Rafael Goldenaires sponsor and participate in various activities such as classes, luncheons, membership meetings, bingo games, dances, special events, and trips. This active club offers adults, over the age of 62, an opportunity to meet other people.

The purpose of Aging Action Initiative (AAI) is to promote a county-wide age-friendly environment, especially for those in need, collectively created by a strong network of service providers through education, policy advocacy, and service coordination.

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