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Agencies Involved with SMART

Many agencies are working together to ensure that the new train works well with our existing transportation network in San Rafael. Below is a table that describes the authority and governing structure of each participating agency.

Agency Authority Governing Structure
City of San Rafael All actions within City’s right-of-way such as streets and sidewalks, land use authority over private but not public agencies such as SMART or GGBHTD. City Council (5 members)
City of Larkspur All actions within City’s Right of Way such as streets and sidewalks, land use authority over private but not public agencies such as SMART or GGBHTD City Council (5 members)
Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) Regional transportation district established in 2002. Measure Q passed Nov. 4, 2008. All actions within SMART’s Right of Way such as SMART timing of and act of construction, SMART schedule of trains, prioritization of funding for multi-use path and rail extensions, etc. Board of Directors (12 members)
Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District (GGBHTD) Owns the Bettini Transit Center. Controls operations on their property. Must get City permit to use City streets for bus operations. May acquire or dispose of property. Board of Directors (19 members)
Marin Transit Agreement with GGBHTD to operate most of buses that utilize the Bettini Transit Center. Must get City permit to use City streets for bus operations. Board of Directors (7 members)
Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) Congestion management and transportation sales tax authority for Marin County. Board of Commissioners (16 members)
Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)  Transportation planning, financing, and coordinating agency for the 9-county Bay Area. Board of Commissioners (21 members)
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