Over the last several weeks we have seen an extraordinary amount of rainfall pass through Marin County (see Rain, Rain Go Away article). Storm weather services have categorized some of the storms as atmospheric rivers”, a flashy name for a plume of tropical moisture in the atmosphere that can result in heavy rainfall or snowfall in a narrow band. Streams, creeks, and hillsides are highly saturated and with saturation, our hillsides are more prone to soil movement and slides.
Several slides have occurred over the last couple of weeks. Most recently, DPW, the Fire Department and our Chief Building official responded to a slide incident near Elmwood Court which is above Sun Valley. Luckily, the trajectory of the slide does not appear to impact the homes on Maywood which is located below Elmwood Court. Public Works Streets crews assisted the property owner by installing additional drainage piping to route the water away from the lower property. Other slides occurred on Los Gamos and Silvera Parkway. These are uphill slides and do not affect any properties but will need to be cleaned up and stabilized.
DPW field crews & engineering staff, Fire, and our Chief Building Official are working together to respond to slide incidents, as well as, provide public assistance.