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Winners with comments by Juror of Awards, Gabriella Calicchio:

First Place: “Self-Absorbed” by Debbie Patrick

First PlacePainting Self Absorbed

Debbie Patrick’s skill in capturing a human personality on the face of her dog in “Self Absorbed” is funny, ironic and a tribute to her artistry. The fact that the dog is amused and delighted by his own portrait is in perfect harmony with the theme of the exhibit.

Second Place: "Partners” by Kristen Yee

Second PlaceKristen Yee - Partners art piece

The whimsy in “Partners” stole my heart. The “Dog” in his serious stance with colorful clothes and the “cat” in her pink tutu and very solemn face are frivolous and funny in just the right way.

Third Place: “Because I Can Can” by Dave Yoas 

David Yoas’s work always amuses and delights both conceptually and artistically.

Third PlaceYoas Because I Can Can art piece

By making his artworks out of familiar objects, packaging, labels and vintage tin Americana, I can’t help feeling nostalgic and inspired simultaneously.

Honorable Mentions

“The Blue Building” by Louise Williams, “Sharing a Meal” by Susie Kelly, “Mari’s Dream Bird” by Mari Kearney, “Ricky” by Laura Reoch, “Blue, Pink & Green Balloons” by John Buckling, “Remember" by Sue Montez

Honorable Mentions- Winners

TheBlueBuildingSharing a MealMari's Dream BirdPhoto of a pair of feet on tip toe in brown loafers with rolled up jeans and colorful socks

Blue, Pink, Green Balloons paintingArtwork of old advertisement with a photo in front of two women in mid century style dresses and the caption "Remember"

Susan Press | Artist, Teacher and Curator

“Art To Amuse & Delight” seemed a perfect theme for this time and place. I found myself anxiously awaiting the opportunity to view the submissions and to see the kind of imagery inspired by the theme. I was very delighted and sometimes quite amused at what I saw coming in with the many entries. Seeing the work in person was even better.

I appreciated having the experience of choosing the placement of each piece. Along with excellent help I received installing the show I felt the arrangement of the work gave us the opportunity to enhance the overall experience one could have when stepping into each of the three different rooms of the gallery. It was as though some of the artworks belonged together. Their combined attention to the theme elevated the emotion of delight.

Thank you to all of the artists who submitted work for this show. Sharing your talents by joining shows allows us all to experience pleasure and inspiration. Such an opportunity to celebrate creativity.

Thank you also for the many that come to see the art shows at Falkirk. Your support and attendance give so much to the artists. We are fortunate to have galleries like the Falkirk Cultural Center and their staff, all so dedicated to the arts in Marin.

A special thank you to Gabriella Calicchio for jurying the show, for the difficult task of choosing award recipients from the large number of works in this show. Her words really communicate the feelings we can get from this exhibit.

Gabriella Calicchio | Director of Cultural Services, Marin County

I was thrilled when Susan Press invited me to serve as the Juror of Awards for the “Art To Amuse & Delight” exhibit. I allowed myself an intuitive reaction to the works before I looked for technical skill. I giggled, laughed out loud, and smiled until my cheeks hurt. The works are uplifting, enjoyable, and engaging which is so important during these tumultuous times. Congratulations to the artists who were willing to take the challenge and be playful with their work. Thank you to Susan Press for putting together such a fun and spirited exhibit.

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