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Author: admin

SRPD and SRFD Commemorates the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

On Saturday, September 11, 2021, the San Rafael Police Department, and the San Rafael Fire Department will commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the tragic events that occurred on September 11, 2001. At 6:59 am, all available public safety personnel will meet in from of the San Rafael Public Safety Center at 1375 Fifth Avenue, San … Continued

September 13 to 14 – 340 3rd St Construction

On Monday, September 13 from 4 – 7 am, Ghilotti Construction Company (GCC), will be excavating existing driveway to Whole Foods along Third St and will be installing new sidewalk frames/conforms. On Tuesday, September 14 from 6:30 – 7 am,  GCC will be pouring concrete for sidewalks. During construction, sidewalks will be closed. Detours will … Continued

Homelessness Update: Service Support Area Creates Meaningful Movement For a Path to Housing

The city of San Rafael continues to see positive results with the establishment of the Service Support Areas (SSA) for those experiencing homelessness. As part of the collaboration with Caltrans, the County of Marin, CHP, and multiple service  organizations, the SSA is an out-of-the box approach to create strong support for our most vulnerable community members. This designated space provides 24×7 security, restrooms, handwashing stations, garbage pick-up, … Continued

AC Marriott Hotel – Street Closure

On Friday, September 3 and Tuesday, September 7 to Friday, September 10 from 9 am to 3 pm, Fifth Avenue between B Street and C Street will be closed. The AC Marriott Hotel construction project is closing this part of roadway so the project contractor, CSI Construction Company, can safely saw cut and trench for … Continued

September 7 to September 8 Night work – 1337 4th St

From September 7 at 8 PM to September 8 at 7 AM, Veteran Power Infrastructure (VPI) will be performing night work along 4th Street by D St to install a new electrical line for PG&E. Only one lane will be closed at a time so vehicles traversing will still be able to drive through 4th … Continued

Fire Station 54 and 55 (REBID) – Request for Proposals (CLOSED)

In the 1960s, Fire Stations 54 and 55 were designed and built. Fire Station 54 is located at 46 Castro Avenue in the Canal neighborhood. Fire Station 55 is located at 955 Point San Pedro Road between Knight Drive and Peacock Drive. Both fire stations are now beyond their useful life. For more information on … Continued

September is National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month! While disaster preparedness is an every day activity, September offers a specific opportunity to raise awareness and inspire action. This year’s theme is “Prepare to Protect. Preparing for disaster is protecting everyone you love.” There are weekly themes that the City will highlight via digital outreach. Be sure to follow our … Continued

August 29 to September 10 nightwork – 101 NB Central San Rafael Off-Ramp Bridge Replacement (Caltrans)

From Sunday, August 29 to Friday, September 10 between midnight to 6 am, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) will perform construction work on the 101 Northbound Central San Rafael off-ramp bridge replacement project. The work involves demolishing the existing off-ramp bridge and residents may temporarily experience increased noise levels during this operation. Caltrans will … Continued

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