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Author: admin

September is Pedestrian Safety Month: Be Predictable, Look Out for One Another

As part of Pedestrian Safety Month, the San Rafael Police Department is supporting efforts throughout September to improve pedestrian safety and help reduce crashes and injuries. Pedestrians are more and more at risk on the road. Based on data from the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), 2020 had the largest ever annual increase, 21 percent, … Continued

Rent Freeze in Canal Neighborhood/Suspensión de aumento de renta en el área de Canal/Đóng Bang Tiền Thuê Trong Vùng Lân Cận Canal

Rent Freeze in Canal Neighborhood until December 31, 2021  Census tracts 1122.01 and 1122.02)   This means that legally your rent cannot be raised.  On January 19th, the City of San Rafael City Council adopted a temporary “rent freeze” ordinance for tenants residing in certain residential units through December 31, 2021. The temporary moratorium solely applies in two designated US Census Tracts, Tract Nos. … Continued

Tree work starting Monday, August 30

Starting Monday, August 30, Wilhelm LLC will be performing tree work along PG&E powerlines at the locations listed below. Work will commence at 9 a.m. on Monday morning and is expected to last about a week. Traffic control will be in place. Please follow all directional signals and traverse with caution. List of locations: Mission … Continued

FREE Third Dose COVID-19 Vaccine for Severely Immunocompromised People

Marin County Public Health is partnering with Safeway to offer a 3rd dose COVID-19 vaccine clinic to Marin County residents who are severely immunocompromised.  The clinic will be held on Saturday, August 21 at the Marin Center Exhibit Hall.  The CDC recommends an additional dose of COVID-19 vaccine for moderately to severely immunocompromised people who have … Continued

August 19 tree work on Hillside Ave

On Thursday, August 19 from 7:30 am – 4 pm., the City’s contractor, the Professional Tree Care Company, will be removing two trees on Hillside Ave. These trees are leaning into road way, thus they need to be removed to meet right-of-way standards. Detours will be in place. Please follow all detours and temporary traffic … Continued

Snapshot — Public Art Proposal, Housing Element, Background Checks, More

Snapshot — de parte del Gerente de la Ciudad de San Rafael Spotlight Photo Congratulations to the Terra Linda Ceramic Artists and Nadia Tarzi Saccardi for being awarded Best in Marin’s Best Art Educator. Nadia has developed a successful ceramics program for youth, teens and adults at the Terra Linda Recreation Center. This summer she … Continued

Homelessness Update: Service Support Area

Support Service Area Connects Unhoused Individuals with Service Providers and a Path to Getting Housed The City of San Rafael continues to provide services for those experiencing homelessness in the Service Support Area that was launched on July 6th. As part of the collaboration with Caltrans, the County of Marin, CHP, and multiple service organizations, the City started this expanded … Continued

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