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Author: admin

Upcoming Changes to San Rafael Public Meetings

Since April 2020, City of San Rafael meetings have taken place via video conference on the Zoom platform. As an accommodation during the COVID-19 pandemic, five separate methods of submitting public comment were enabled to allow members of the public various opportunities to participate in City business while this virtual format is in place. As … Continued

Mountain Park Project – June to July 2021

Beginning on June 7th, 2021, fuel reduction project work will commence on the Mountain Park open space area and is expected to take 3-4 weeks to complete. The project work will be completed by the City’s tree service contractor, the Professional Tree Care Company. No impacts to residential roads are expected to occur from the … Continued

Marin Moves to Yellow Tier 4

Marin County’s COVID-19 vaccination success and steadily reduced case rates has officially moved Marin to yellow Tier 4. The move further loosens restrictions on activities and reopening of the economy. Under the yellow tier, gyms and indoor dining can expand from 25 percent to 50 percent capacity, live events with assigned seating can expand to 67 percent and bars could reopen … Continued

Canal Neighborhood Pedestrian Safety Improvements Project – Start on June 2, 2021

Starting Tuesday, June 2, the City’s contractor, Team Ghilotti, will preform various improvements throughout the Canal neighborhood. These improvements are part of the City’s Canal Neighborhood Pedestrian Safety Improvements project, and include ADA upgrades, crosswalks refreshing, and the installation of Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons (RRFB’s).  This project will provide RRFB’s at six of the most … Continued

Francisco Blvd East lane closure – May 28 and May 30

This weekend, the City’s sub consultant, BKF Engineers, will be gathering existing data for the Francisco Boulevard East Resurfacing project. This work will require a lane closure along Francisco Blvd East between Vivian Street and Grand Avenue. This will occur on Friday, May 28th at 9pm to Saturday, May 29th at 6am and on Saturday, … Continued

Upcoming City Furlough Schedule – May 28 – May 31

On Friday, May 28, City Hall and most non-essential City facilities, including Public Works, will be closed in accordance with the non-public safety Furlough Schedule, which is a cost-saving measure in response to significant COVID-19 related revenue losses the City continues to experience. The 13-day closure schedule, as approved by our City Council, is effective … Continued

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