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Author: admin

Overnight Closures of Northbound US-101 Central Off-Ramp

On Monday, February 8, 2021, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) begun the 101 NB Central San Rafael Off-Ramp Bridge Replacement project in the city of San Rafael. Using new and innovative construction technology, the project will perform removal and replacement on the current bridge footprint, located at the northbound off-ramp on US Highway 101. … Continued

Snapshot — from the desk of City Manager, Jim Schutz

Spotlight Photo Program Coordinator, Habad Ahmad has been working with the City’s Emergency Operations Center to coordinate food distribution sites in San Rafael, and to distribute free testing information to the community. Photo Credit: Steve Mason, San Rafael Recreation Supervisor Last Quiz Question Shout out to Brucie Melvin for being the first to correctly answer the last Snapshot Quiz Question! The photo featured was of … Continued

Overnight Closures of US-101 Northbound Central Off-Ramp, San Rafael

On Monday, February 8, 2021, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) begun the 101 NB Central San Rafael Off-Ramp Bridge Replacement project in the City of San Rafael. Using new and innovative construction technology, the project will perform removal and replacement on the current bridge footprint, located at the northbound off-ramp on US Highway 101. … Continued

Upcoming City Furlough Schedule – 2/12

 On Friday, February 12, City Hall and most non-essential City facilities, including Public Works, will be closed in accordance with the non-public safety Furlough Schedule, which is a cost-saving measure in response to significant COVID-19 related revenue losses the City continues to experience. The 13-day closure schedule, as approved by our City Council, is effective … Continued

San Rafael Hires New Police Chief

San Rafael, CA – Following a nationwide search, the City of San Rafael is pleased to announce David Spiller as their new Chief of Police. Chief Spiller brings an impressive background as a law enforcement professional beginning his career in San Diego as a patrol officer before moving to  Mountain View and servicing various department … Continued

Are You Online? Digital Marin Surveys Public on Internet Access

Thousands enjoy strong internet access in Marin County, and thousands more don’t. Digital Marin, an effort to develop a countywide roadmap to achieve digital equity for all, seeks feedback from the community about internet access. Officially launched in December 2020, Digital Marin has set the following goals: Everyone in Marin has access to high quality, affordable … Continued

Third and Lindaro Intersection presented to BPAC

This past Wednesday February 3, City Staff presented a second alternative to the Third and Lindaro intersection at the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC). This second alternative was a result of public input received after the City Staff presented a recommendation to City Council in November 2020. This recommendation showed the closure of a … Continued

San Rafael Update: Tier Status, Vaccine Interest, Small Business Grant, & More

Yesterday, the State provided an update on statewide COVID-19 case rates, hospitalizations, and surveillance on new coronavirus variants. Marin County remains in Purple Tier 1 (Widespread Risk) status for its second week. Our current data meets two of the three metrics required to shift to Red Tier 2 (Substantial Risk). Progress must be made on the COVID-19 case rate in Marin County before we can move to the next … Continued

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