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Author: admin

Food Pantries in San Rafael

The SF Marin Food Bank offers a number of food distribution sites in San Rafael. You can use their Food Locator to find sites closest to you. Please only attend one pantry per week, and only send one member of your household to pick-up groceries. Below are the pantries in San Rafael that are open … Continued

New statewide health order goes into effect Tuesday in Marin

In response to rapid increases in positive cases, hospitalizations, and reduced ICU bed capacity, California Governor Gavin Newsom has announced a new statewide Stay At Home Order. The new restrictions start on Tuesday in Marin and will remain in place until January 4, 2021. Other parts of the Bay Area will implement the order starting … Continued

San Rafael Update: Tier Status, Small Business Support, Shop Locally, & More

The State has moved COVID-19 county Tier assessments from a weekly basis to as-needed when the State determines that the most recent reliable data indicates immediate action is needed to address COVID-19 transmission in a county.  During yesterday’s assessment, the State confirmed Marin County’s placement in Tier 2 (red status) for a third straight week. We are one of only six California counties not in … Continued

December 2020 Spotlight: Sessions Rise Condos

Local Condos “Rise” to Composting Challenge Key Takeaways AB 1826: It’s the Law Now MSS Free Education + Signs = Great Combo Distributed, Smaller Bins for the Win Facebook is for Furniture Exchange Sessions Rise is a 73-unit group of condos with views of the surrounding Marin Hills and exclusive gardening and planting sites for … Continued

COVID-19 Testing in Marin is Easier and Free

Whether a resident is insured or not, local options for testing are available Marin County residents seeking COVID-19 testing have more options than ever. Every day, an average of more than 1,000 Marin residents are tested for the disease, and residents should be aware of their options as case counts rise. Because navigating new choices can be challenging, an updated … Continued

TAM Kicks-off Part-time Transit Lane Study

The Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) has kicked-off a study of the feasibility and potential benefits of allowing buses to bypass heavy traffic on the US 101 by using the existing shoulder from Atherton Avenue/San Marin Drive in Novato to Mission Avenue in San Rafael. When buses can bypass congestion, transit (and sometimes even private … Continued

Emergency Update: Tier Status, Thanksgiving, Testing, & More

Last week, based on an increased number of positive cases in a short time frame, Bay Area health officers made the decision to tighten local restrictions to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The motivation was to get ahead of a surge and a possible state mandate to move back into Tier 2 (Red/Substantial). However, despite this attempt, the State announced that Marin, along with eight other counties, would be moving back … Continued

Street Leaf Sweeping for November

Street Leaf Sweeping Will occur on November 21, 2020 starting at 7:30 AM. Public Works crews will be sweeping the following areas: Gerstle Park Additionally, Public Works will sweep up as many side streets as time permits.

Non-essential City Facilities Closed from November 23-29, 2020

Starting November 23rd through November 25th, City Hall and most non-essential City facilities, which include Public Works, will be closed in accordance with the non-public safety Furlough Schedule, which is a cost-saving measure in response to significant COVID-19 related revenue losses the City continues to experience. The 13-day closure schedule, as approved by our City … Continued

Emergency Update: Tier Status Update, SMART Train, & More

Yesterday we received the State’s weekly update on the Blueprint for a Safer Economy. Marin has completed its second week in Tier 3 (orange status); the State’s November 4th assessment  for Marin includes:   Testing Positivity: 1.0% (decrease of 0.4% since last assessment)  Adjusted Case Rate: 2.6 (no change)  Health Equity Quartile Test Positivity Rate: 1.5% (decrease of 0.9%)  In order to achieve Tier 4 (yellow status) Marin must:   have been in the current … Continued

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