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Author: admin

Roadway Paint Improvements and Changes

With the nicer weather and shelter in place, Paint & Sign crews have been able to catch up on some much-needed work on faded stops/crosswalks. With less traffic, it’s easier to set up traffic control in various areas. Crews have also been able to stripe the roadways that have been faded including Biscayne, 3rd Street … Continued

Public Safety Center – Interior Finishes

The construction team is working hard to meet the anticipated completion date. Interior finishes such as carpet, wall panels, whiteboards, and counter tops are currently being installed.  Additionally, audiovisual, fire alerting, surveillance and other integral systems are being completed. In the next few weeks, we plan on finishing the site walls, brick stairs and planting. … Continued

San Rafael High School Pedestrian Crossing and Third Street

Staff reported late last year on the funding by Transportation Authority of Marin to install a signalized crosswalk on Third Street in front of San Rafael High School. We are glad to report the design plans are at 95% complete and the project will soon be sent out for bids. The crosswalk will bring safety … Continued

Facility Repairs

Public Works is making the necessary repairs to modular during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure the safety of our city staff. Water damage in subfloor was detected under this window. All of the compromised areas were removed, replaced and made safe and solid. Exterior siding was removed and an area where water had penetrated was … Continued

Food Deliveries

Our maintenance division staff have been rotating to deliver lunches to St. Vincent’s on behalf of the EOC. There are a lot of hungry mouths to feed!

Pathway Cleanup

The Parks Department completed some much-needed work along the pathway behind Spinnaker IV.  The crew focused on removing weeds and trash as well as pruning shrubs and reducing encampment sites.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: Great Plates, Fire Safe Your Home, PG&E Power Shutoff Webinar, & More

At the end of April, Governor Newsom announced a new food delivery service program for older adults called, Great Plates Delivered: Home Meals for Seniors.  It’s intended to accomplish two things: provide access to nutritious meals for older adults who are sheltering in place, and support local restaurants. The framework for Great Plates was developed at the State level, but it must be first … Continued

7 Days to a Fire Safe Home – Tip #3

What up! It’s Friday! We’re in our third week of sending out one tip per week that you can tackle to make your home more fire safe. Just to reiterate, last week modifications were made to the extended Public Health Order to allow for the operation of “outdoor businesses”, including gardeners and landscapers.   Last week we cut our tall grasses, this week we’ll jump … Continued

Construction Safety Protocols During COVID-19

To continue to slow the spread of COVID-19, the Marin County Health Officer has issued a new Shelter in Place Order (“Order”) that extends the shelter in place mandate through May 31, 2020 with some modifications. Under this new Order, small construction projects may continue if Construction Safety Protocols per Appendix B-1 of the Order … Continued

New Program Provides Free Restaurant Meals to Older Adults

State’s Great Plates Delivered program goes before Board of Supervisors May 12 San Rafael, CA – In partnership with the local community, the County of Marin plans to start participation in the State of California’s Great Plates Delivered Program, set up to support older adults who are sheltering in place, unable to access meals, and ineligible for … Continued

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