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Author: admin

Public Safety Center – Construction Continues Amid COVID-19

Crews are making steady progress as the end of construction comes into sight for the City’s new Public Safety Center building. The Public Safety Center is an essential project, therefore exempt from the March 17 Shelter-in-Place order. The contractor has been taking the coronavirus pandemic very seriously. They have been diligently enforcing the COVID-19 Exposure … Continued

Submit your Planning applications online!

In an effort to make more services available online while City Hall is closed to the public, Planning is now taking applications online!   We have prepared guides to help walk you through the process of applying and paying online. After submitting online, staff will review the application to determine the project type, fees, any … Continued

Help Make Cloth Face Coverings

Have you been making cloth face coverings at home? Know someone who is? Looking to donate? We need your help. Cloth face coverings can help to mitigate the spread of infection among our homeless population and to our community as a whole. Help us to ensure that members of our vulnerable populations has a cloth … Continued

County of Marin Health Officer Issues Quarantine and Isolation Orders and Guidelines for People Diagnosed with or Exposed to COVID-19(El Oficial de Salud del Condado de Marin emite órdenes y pautas de aislamiento y cuarentena para las personas diagnosticadas o expuestas a COVID-19)

DESPLAZARSE HACIO ABAJO PARA ESPAÑOL The County of Marin issued a quarantine order and an isolation order which “requires anyone who has been diagnosed with or is likely to have COVID-19” to isolate themselves in their home or another residence. They may not leave their place of isolation or enter any other public or private place, except to receive necessary medical care. The order also requires members of … Continued

Personal Protective Equipment Donations

The County has created an online donation form for companies or other entities that have excess inventory (e.g., maybe they stocked up on N95 masks after the north bay fires) and wish to donate.  In addition, hospitals (or anyone, really) who have people who contact them by email or phone can redirect people to this link.  This … Continued

Enforcement Efforts to COVID-19 and the Updated Public Health Order

San Rafael, CA – Yesterday, 03/31/20, starting at 11:59 PM, Marin County’s Deputy Public Health Officer Dr. Lisa Santora, issued a new and revised Public Health Order that supersedes the previous order issued on 03/17/20.  The new order is set to expire on May 3, 2020, at 11:59 PM.  The order sets more specific and restricting terms … Continued

2020 Low-Income Senior Homeowner Exemption

MERA Announces 2020 Low-Income Senior Homeowner Exemption Applications A Process for Income Qualified Seniors to Claim an Exemption from MERA’s Parcel Tax Qualified low-income seniors in Marin County are eligible to file for a tax exemption from a parcel tax that supports the County’s next-generation emergency radio system. This exemption must be applied for annually, so anyone who qualified for this exemption this … Continued

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: Doctors Day, remote family time, and more (Actualización diaria)

DESPLAZARSE HACIO ABAJO PARA ESPAÑOL The Marin Health and Human Services website has been the hub for the most up-date information regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Over the weekend, they updated their frequently asked questions to reflect the most common questions asked over the last week, from what trades may continue working to riding public transit, and what to do if you’re feeling sick. They have expanded … Continued

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: Parks for Passive Use Only, School Closure Extended, Low Cost Internet, Business Resources, & Garbage Collection (Actualización diaria)

DESPLAZARSE HACIO ABAJO PARA ESPAÑOL Adjusting to these new conditions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been difficult for most, and even though we’re separated during this time doesn’t mean we can’t find creative ways to come together. As we head into the weekend, let’s help spread words of encouragement and brighten up each … Continued

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