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Author: admin

Stay Informed on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Sign up for email updates and get the latest information about COVID-19 from Marin County Health and Human Services. The County has set up a new COVID-19 information hotline at 415-473-7191, and you can also email questions to Help the community prevent the spread of germs and disease by: Washing your hands often with soap and … Continued

BioMarin/Whistlestop Project in Downtown

At Monday night’s City Council meeting, which starts at 7 p.m., the City Council will consider approving a redevelopment project in Downtown at 999 Third Street. BioMarin is proposing to redevelop a former PG&E site by building two new 70 ft tall office buildings totaling 207,000 square feet, which will be incorporated into their existing … Continued

Community Development Block Grants

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is a federal program that provides funding for housing, community facilities, and human services. In San Rafael, examples of CDBG-funded projects have included the development of affordable housing, sidewalk accessibility improvements, and a wide range of public services. For October 2020 through September 2021, Marin County is expected to … Continued

SEIU Side Letter

On Monday, the City Council will consider approving side letters extending the current Memorandums of Understanding by one year with our SEIU Local 1021 bargaining unit. The side letters keep all terms the same but increase compensation equivalent to a 2.5% increase (calculated over the next fiscal year), which is consistent with the Bay Area … Continued

How to Stay Informed – Cornonavirus

Happening tonight! Marin County Office of Education is hosting a live stream panel discussion with Members of the Marin County Department of Health & Human Services and Kaiser Permanente. Community Meeting  (Live Stream) Monday, March 9th, 2020   |   6:00pm – 7:30pm Coronavirus (COVID-19) WATCH LIVE (Facebook account not required) Meeting will be recorded on Facebook … Continued

Status of San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority (SFBRA) Measure AA Grant Application

In 2017, the City applied for a grant to the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority Measure AA grant for the restoration of Spinnaker Marsh and Shoreline Flood Protection measures. The project would restore tidal marsh, wetland-upland transition habitat, and adjacent upland habitats – while simultaneously reinforcing natural protections against future shoreline erosion and sea level … Continued

Street Smarts is Coming to San Rafael!

Are you Street Smart? San Rafael is participating Street Smarts – an educational campaign to promote safe driving, biking, and walking here in San Rafael and Marin County. Look for the Street Smarts banners around San Rafael in the near future. Please visit for more information and educational materials. Street Smarts is funded by … Continued

Pursuing Grants for Downtown Bike Connections

With all the development and movement in and around the Bettini Transit Center, we realized we were missing one thing: the bike connection! Public Works is applying for a Housing Incentive Pool (HIP) grant that provides $300,000 to transportation projects within a Priority Development Area (PDA) and adjacent to high frequency transit and/or affordable housing. … Continued

Public Works Encroachment Permit Inspections

Development activity has skyrocketed in recent years in San Rafael and, as a result, we’ve had a backlog of encroachment permits still awaiting inspection. We recently re-organized to lend support to our amazing permits team and we are beginning to chip away at the backlog. We are using a systematic approach by taking small sections … Continued

Solar Panel Installation

The Solar panel installation is well underway in the lower parking lot at City Hall. SolarCraft Services will be starting the roof mounted system at City Hall on Monday, March 9 and should be done with the roof mounted system by the end of March. The system is set to start augmenting PG&E power by … Continued

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