FOTO DE SPOTLIGHT Bandera del Orgullo Gay ondeando en la Alcaldía Crédito de foto: Bernadette Sullivan, Oficina de Administrador Municipal RESPUESTA ¡Felicidades a Ruth-Louise Mora, La foto que destacamos en la última edición de Snapshot, ¡donde puede encontrar un pavorreal y cerdos que viven juntos en San Rafael fue captada en Servicios Sanitarios de … Continued
Snapshot en Español Spotlight Photo Pride flag flying over City Hall Photo Credit: Bernadette Sullivan, City Manager’s Office Last Quiz Question Congrats Ruth-Louise Moran! The photo featured in the last Snapshot quiz where we can find peacocks and pigs living together in San Rafael is located at Marin Sanitary Services on Jacoby street! … Continued
Snapshot en Español Spotlight Photo Mural at Artworks Downtown Photo Credit: Bernadette Sullivan, City Manager’s Office Last Quiz Question We gotcha! The photo featured in the last Snapshot quiz was of two pinball machines at Red Whale Coffee. Although no one correctly answered, the Star Wars pinball machine was just in time for … Continued
FOTO DE SPOTLIGHT Primavera en Sun Valley Credito Foto: Bernadette Sullivan, Oficina del administrador de la ciudad RESPUESTA ¡Te Pillamos! La foto que destacamos en la última pregunta de Snaptshot era de dos máquinas Pinball en el Café Red Whale. A pesar de que nadie adivinó la pregunta, la máquina de Pinball de Las … Continued
Snapshot en Español Spotlight Photo Spring in Sun Valley Photo Credit: Bernadette Sullivan, City Manager’s Office Last Quiz Question Congrats to Allison Soby for being the first to answer our latest Snapshot Quiz. The photo featured is of the AC Marriott Hotel in downtown San Rafael. We are excited for it to officially … Continued
FOTO DE SPOTLIGHT Primavera en Sun Valley Credito Foto: Bernadette Sullivan, Oficina del administrador de la ciudad RESPUESTA Felicidades a Allisobn Soby por ser la primera en responder nuestra más reciente pregunta de Snapshot. La foto que destacamos es del AC Marriott Hotel en el centro de San Rafael. ¡Estamos muy emocionados que oficialmente … Continued
Snapshot en Español Spotlight Photo Sunbathing Seagull Photo Credit: Walter Gonzalez, City Manager’s Office Last Quiz Question Congrats to Kay Karchevski for being the first to answer our latest Snapshot Quiz. The photo featured was taken after City staff completed the Resilient Neighborhoods program. Learn more about the program and be part of … Continued
FOTO DE SPOTLIGHT Gaviota tomando el sol Imagen captada por: Walter González, Oficina del Administrador de la Ciudad RESPUESTA Felicidades a Kay Karchevski por ser la primera en responder la más reciente pregunta de Snapshot. La foto que destacamos fue tomada después de que el personal de la ciudad completó el programa de Vecindarios … Continued
Council Economic Development Sub-Committee receives update on Economic Development Strategic Plan Policy and Program Recommendations from Kosmont Companies April 13, 2023, the Council Economic Development Subcommittee received a briefing from Kosmont Companies on the Economic Strategic Plan draft policy and program recommendations. This presentation was a follow-up to the initial presentation made by Kosmont Companies … Continued
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 13, 2023 City of San Rafael to Name City Manager Cristine Alilovich The City Council has unanimously selected Assistant City Manager Cristine Alilovich as the next City Manager and will vote on her employment agreement at its meeting on April 17, 2023. Alilovich’s contract, which will begin June 1, 2023, … Continued