FOTO DE SPOTLIGHT Arcoíris sobre el centro de San Rafael Crédito de la fotografía: Bernadette Sullivan, Oficina del Administrador de la Ciudad RESPUESTA Felicitaciones a James Findlay por ser el primero en responder correctamente a nuestra última pregunta de Snapshot. ¡San Rafael organizó su primer desfile de botes iluminados en 1966! Felicitaciones a … Continued
Snapshot en Español Spotlight Photo Aerial shot of San Rafael Photo Credit: Scott Hess Last Quiz Question Congrats to Suzanne Bean for being the first to answer our latest Snapshot Quiz. The picture is of Max and Phyllis Thelen at Art Works Downtown located at 1325–1337 Fourth Street. The 2nd Friday Art Walk is … Continued
FOTO DE SPOTLIGHT Toma aérea de San Rafael Crédito de la fotografía: Scott Hess RESPUESTA Felicidades a Suzanne Bean por ser la primera en responder a nuestro último Snapshot Quiz. La foto es de Max y Phyllis Thelen en Art Works Downtown, situado en 1325-1337 Fourth Street. El 2nd Friday Art Walk es … Continued
Snapshot en Español Spotlight Photo Los Ranchitos Park on a fall day Photo Credit: Bernadette Sullivan, City Manager’s Office Last Quiz Question Congrats to Aref Ahmadia for being the first to answer our latest Snapshot Quiz. The Boyd Gate House was built in 1879. Congrats Aref, and thanks for reading Snapshot. Scroll down to … Continued
Reunión Especial del Consejo de la Ciudad El lunes por la noche, el Consejo de la Ciudad comenzará con una reunión especial a las 6:00 p.m. donde el Consejo escuchará los informes del Consejo y del Administrador de la Ciudad, así como la votación sobre el calendario de consentimiento. La reunión regular del Consejo programada … Continued
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE San Rafael Hires New Director of Digital Service and Open Government San Rafael, CA – Following a nationwide search, the City of San Rafael is pleased to announce Micah Hinkle as the new Director of Economic Development and Innovation, effective November 28, 2022. Micah brings twenty-two years of municipal government experience, including … Continued
Each year, the Engaging Local Government Leaders (ELGL) network recognizes the best places to work in local government. This annual award recognizes the local governments that have developed, cultivated, and nurtured workplaces that encourage employee creativity, loyalty, and success. San Rafael has been named winner of ELGL’s 2022 Best Places to work in Local Government. … Continued
FOTO DE SPOTLIGHT West End San Rafael en Sunset Crédito de la fotografía: Lidia Que, oficina del administrador de la Ciudad Last Quiz Question Felicitaciones a Joan Herriges por ser la primera en responder correctamente a nuestra última pregunta de Snapshot. La obra artística Regeneración se encuentra en el parque Arbor, en la esquina … Continued
Snapshot en Español Spotlight Photo West End San Rafael at Sunset Photo Credit: Lidia Que, City Manager’s Office Last Quiz Question Congrats to Joan Herriges for being the first to answer our latest Snapshot Quiz. The art, Regeneration, is located at Arbor park, on the corner of Las Gallinas Avenue and Manuel T. Freitas … Continued
Snapshot en Español Spotlight Photo San Rafael Dia de los Muertos Celebration Photo Credit: Jim Schutz, City Manager Last Quiz Question Congrats to Miguel Sanchez, for being the first to answer our latest Snapshot Quiz. Pickleweed is a prominent plant found in the marsh area near the park, and where our park gets its … Continued