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Spinnaker Point parking modification

Written by: JC Agcaoili, Assistant Engineer Planting is now complete at the Spinnaker Point Parking Modification project and the striping has been laid out.  Final striping will be installed on Friday, March 23rd, weather permitting. We look forward to opening the parking spaces to the public as we understand how important additional parking is to … Continued

Freitas Parkway Sidewalk Replacement – Construction begins 3/27/2023

Written by: JC Agcaoili, Assistant Engineer Construction on Public Work’s Freitas Parkway Sidewalk Replacement is projected to begin on Monday, March 27th, 2023.  The City’s contractor, Sierra’s Concrete, will have traffic control set up and pedestrian detour signs to re-route any pedestrians during construction.  This project will use City funds to repair those sections of … Continued

Pickleweed Park – Outreach events and online survey

Written by: JC Agcaoili, Assistant Engineer The Library & Recreation and Public Works Departments invite the community to share their input on what they’d like to see included in our upcoming Pickleweed Park Improvements project.  Our survey is now live on our City website and will be available through April 17th, 2023. Both City Staff … Continued

Importance of consistent fleet maintenance

Fleet maintenance is an integral component to make sure vehicles are safe to drive. In the photo, Garage Technician Angel Lopez is shown performing the replacement of the automatic transmission filter which is an important component that is replaced during a transmission fluid service to keep the transmission operating in optimal condition. The vehicle maintenance staff … Continued

Post storm clean up

This week’s recent rainstorms has kept DPW staff busy assessing citywide damage and handling post storm cleaning up.  DPW Streets Department staff members Tyler Nord, Everado Torres and Arturo Tinoco are seen here removing a fence that had blown into a City drainage ditch during this week’s storms.  

Temporary road closure notification – A St. between 4th Street and 5th Ave

West Coast Cranes will be closing A st between 4th St and 5th Ave to perform a crane pick for the 1000 4th st building.  The road closure will happen Friday, March 10th from approximately 9A.M – 4P.M. They have an approved encroachment permit, EP2302-015 and notifications have been provided to affected properties.

Fire Station 54 and 55 Construction update

Contact:         A. Fabiola Guillen, Sr. Project Manager – Public Works Fire Station 54, on Castro Avenue in the Canal Neighborhood, is almost complete.  The two-story building has received all new interior finishes, stainless steel countertops, kitchen cabinets, and flooring.  This station also has an elevator that is awaiting State inspection to finalize the building … Continued

Sun Valley Park playground project – Construction update

Written By: JC Agcaoili, Assistant Engineer Construction on the Sun Valley Park Playground Improvements has reached another milestone this week.  Our construction contract with Bauman Landscape has now been completed.  The remaining operation is to receive and install the playground equipment and playground surfacing.  The playground equipment from Ross Recreation is scheduled to arrive to … Continued

Spinnaker Point parking modification

JC Agcaoili, Assistant Engineer Final paving and concrete work is now complete on the Department of Public Works’ Spinnaker Point Parking Modification project.  The remaining operations for the project will be the planting and striping of the new parking spaces.  The current forecast is still showing some rain which will impact the days during which … Continued

Dredging construction ends in San Rafael Canal and Creek in 2023

The City of San Rafael’s dredging project has officially ended all construction as of February 28, 2023, consistent with environmental permitting restrictions. Although the construction phase of the project has ceased, DPW Staff will continue to work on permitting, surveying, sediment testing and reporting aspects of the project in the coming months. As part of … Continued

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