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20 Meyer Road project update

Construction on the City’s 20 Meyer Rd. project picked back up this week on Wednesday, 8/17. Last week, the City’s Contractor, Piazza Construction, met with the City’s Consultant, Miller Pacific Engineering, to locate and layout the retaining wall that is to be installed. This project is expected to be complete by the end of August. … Continued

Benefits of column lifts at Fleet Operations

In the image shown above. Garage technician Angel Lopez has taken the initiative to remove the complete cab assembly in order to access and replace the faulty high pressure fuel injection pump. Difficult jobs like these are not commonly done due to the complexity and time that it takes to complete. Also, our newly purchased … Continued

Shoreline Park Pathway vegetation clean up

The Parks Department is currently working along Shoreline Park, near Target, clearing overgrown vegetation near and along the pathway.  The crew was able to get assistance from Forster & Kroeger Landscaping to help clear the weeds, broom and other dead plants from the area.  Shoreline Park is a part of the San Francisco Bay Trail … Continued

Wilhelm: 48hr notice of tree work MONDAY 8/8/2022 to FRIDAY 8/12/2022

Wilhelm tree crews will be working in locations listed. They will be doing vegetation work along PG&E powerlines starting Monday 8/8/22 thru Friday 8/12/22. Public inquires can be addressed by the contractor: WILHELM LLC (707) 708-2932   37.984636 -122.551753 5TH AVE 37.984789 -122.551658 5TH AVE 50 ACACIA AVE 18 AMBERWOOD LN 30 BAYHILLS DR 33 BAYO … Continued

20 Meyer Road slide repair project

The Department of Public Works’ upcoming 20 Meyer Rd. Slide Repair project is now expected to start on Monday, 8/08.  Construction is projected to continue for at least two full weeks.  The project will stabilize the hillside with erosion control measures, which will include installing a new retaining wall and repairing the adjacent roadway. Residents … Continued

Southern Heights Bridge replacement project wins in 3 categories of Engineering News – Record California’s 2022 Best Projects Competition

The Southern Heights Bridge Replacement project, which was completed in January 2022, has won in 3 different categories of Engineering News-Record’s (ENR) 2022 Best Projects competition. The City’s project won the following: Best Highway/Bridge Project Excellence of Sustainability Award – Northern California, Excellence in Safety Award – Northern California, Award of Merit Almost 100 projects … Continued

Albert Park ADA restroom and wheelchair lift

The Albert Park ADA Restroom project has been completed and includes a new prefabricated restroom, repaved walkway, new utility connections, and an ADA ramp. The new ADA accessible restroom building consists of four gender-neutral stalls located on the north side of the field. One of the stalls even includes a baby changing station. The brand-new … Continued

Fire Stations 54 and 55 Construction update

Construction continues at two new fire stations Now that concrete placement of the elevator tower is complete at Fire Station 54, construction has continued into the living quarters. Wickman Development and Construction has the framework for the living quarters well underway with structural walls and interior walls complete. The second story of the building is … Continued

New garbage can installation along 4th Street

Parks Lead Worker Matt Scales is pictured installing one of 50 new garbage cans on Fourth St. Upgrading 50 garbage cans was a collaborative effort years in the making.  Sustainability Coordinator Cory Bytof spearheaded the project, working with the Parks Department and Marin Sanitary to find a modern, sustainable garbage can.  These new, efficiently designed cans … Continued

Vegetation pruning along Freitas Parkway medians

The Parks Department can be seen cutting the eastbound side of Freitas Pkwy.  The Freitas Pkwy median, along with the medians along Las Gallinas and Las Colindas, constitute the ‘Big 3’ of summer pruning projects for the Parks Department.

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