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Albert Park and Pickleweed Park renovations

Parks Division staff have been using the break in the weather to perform field restorations at Albert Park and Pickleweed Park. At the Albert Park ball field, staff re-edged the baselines, rebuilt the mound, set new base plugs, nail dragged the field and added new infield material. They also reset home plate and restored the … Continued

Pump station maintenance

Recently, Streets Supervisor John Shindelus received a callout regarding a malfunction at one of the City’s storm water pump stations. One of the pumps was heard making a loud humming noise and upon arrival, John realized that the pump was jammed and immediately shut the pump down. Occasionally, staff can free jammed pumps by rotating … Continued

Wilhelm: Tree work beginning Monday 1/10/2022

Starting Monday, 1/10/2022, Wilhelm tree crews are slated to do vegetation work along PG&E powerlines at the locations listed below over the next several weeks. Please follow all traffic control signs and detours and accordingly. 15 ALLENSBY LN SAN RAFAEL 4 AQUA VISTA DR SAN RAFAEL 8 BALBOA  AVE SAN RAFAEL 31 BALBOA  AVE SAN … Continued

177 Toyon Dr – Road Closure 1/11/2022

Massa Construction will be closing the road at 177 Toyon Drive between the hours of 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM. Detours have been setup and all traffic control signs must be obeyed. Please drive safely and cautiously through the area. If you have any questions or concerns please call (415) 613-9088.

120 Bellam – Night work rescheduled to 1/13/2022

The following work has been RESCHEDULED: On Thursday, January 13, 2022, the Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD) will be conducting night work along Bellam Boulevard to do a new service install. There will not be any road closures, but there will be a lane shift. Please follow all posted road work signs and drive with … Continued

Third Street Rehabilitation project bid opening

The Department of Works is opening bids for the Third Street Rehabilitation project on Wednesday January 12th. The Third Street Rehabilitation project is a multi-agency corridor wide rehabilitation project that includes the City of San Rafael, Marin Municipal Water District and the San Rafael Sanitation District and is estimated at $20,000,000. The construction contract is … Continued

Working to keep up with drainage issues

With the significant rains we have received, Streets division staff have been busy responding to drainage issues throughout the City. In the photo, you will streets lead worker Kenny Gatlin along with Maintenance Worker Jeremy Quintal investigating a sink hole near a storm water bubble out. They found the structure was installed improperly, causing water … Continued

New all-way stop at Fourth St and G Street in the West End

The Department of Public Works completed an assessment to make Fourth Street/G Street an all-way stop controlled intersection. This is the intersection on Fourth Street in the West End with Johnny’s Donuts on the southeast corner. STOP signs will be added on Fourth Street at G Street in January, creating an All-way Stop, to better … Continued

Emergency vehicle preemption in Central San Rafael: Leveraging recent investments

The San Rafael Public Works installed video detection at over 50 intersections in Central San Rafael and made significant upgrades to the communication network using fiber optics in late 2020. These upgrades were largely funded by the MTC Innovative Deployment of Enhanced Arterials (IDEA) grant for the purposes of Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPM). … Continued

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