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Gentle Qigong Practice

Qigong is a beautifully flowing movement meditation that cultivates a sense of well being, calmness, and mental alertness. This practice is ideal during stressful times, and it may be done standing or sitting. Presented by our own Goldenaires Fitness Instructor Jeanette Logan.  

Create a time capsule!

Here’s a great way for kids to record their experience during this historical time. You can print out this worksheet and we will include a fillable worksheet soon! If you can’t print it out, we’ve also listed items below that your children can create on their own and have provided text that can be copied … Continued

Build a blanket fort

For a fun afternoon, blanket forts are easy to build and they provide countless hours of fun for children and adults. You can make your fort with everyday household items like blankets, sheets, chairs, and curtain rods. Start by building a frame and then close it off by draping sheets over it. Throw in a … Continued

Teach your dog a trick

Keeping San Rafael Active and Well! Are you home with your pooch and looking for a fun way to keep active? Join local dog trainer Kirsten of KW Happy Dogs Personalized Dog Training and Walking to learn a new trick for you and your pup. Check out her YouTube video on how to teach your … Continued

Share a Rainbow

Help spread words of encouragement and brighten up each other’s days in your neighborhood by sharing rainbows in your windows. Children are creating colorful rainbows and placing them in their windows to stay connected and bring joy during these difficult times. Inspired by the children of Spain and Italy posting artwork in their windows and hanging … Continued

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