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PG&E Zip Code Alerts

Did you know that you can receive Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) event notifications, even if you are not a PG&E account holder? This means that you can be notified of potential public safety outages impacting you, your workplace, or the home of a friend or loved one, which may help you both prepare and stay safe. This new … Continued

Where is My Bus?

  Have you ever waited at the bus stop and wondered where you bus is? Now, you don’t have to wonder anymore! Golden Gate Transit has partnered with Transit app which features real-time arrivals, trip planner that plots your journey and allows you to select preferred transit modes and travel dates/times, a trip companion that gives step-by-step directions … Continued

Library and Recreation Personnel Changes

On July 15, 2019, the City Council authorized combining the former Community Services Department with the former Library Department. The new department is called “Library and Recreation,” and together, they create new possibilities for collaboration and innovation in programming and services for the community. We have been carefully evaluating the design of the new department, which … Continued

Tales of the City – Firefighter Recruit Academy 19

This past Saturday, August 24, the Firefighter Recruit Academy 19 held a graduation ceremony to celebrate the completion of six weeks of Firefighter/Paramedic training. Our fire academies are designed to acclimate new Firefighter/Paramedic recruits to operations in San Rafael and elsewhere in Marin County.  Recruits are trained to perform firefighting and medical skills at a … Continued

Regional Wildfire Prevention

San Rafael has a long history of leading efforts to proactively address the risks associated with wildfire. Despite our best local prevention efforts, wildfires do not respect jurisdictional boundaries. Given the changing climate and increased risk of wildfires, and taking into consideration the widespread impact that wildfires can have across Marin County, we have been … Continued

Challenges to Housing Development

Back in August 2018, the City Council was presented with an informational report on the state of housing in San Rafael.  In response to that housing report, the City Council directed staff to follow-up on four, specific housing topics and issues.  One of these four topics/issues was to identify what changes could be made to facilitate housing … Continued

Grand Jury Report: “Marin’s Telecommunications Disconnect”

This past June, the Marin County Civil Grand Jury issued a report entitled Marin’s Telecommunications Disconnect regarding telecommunications-related activity in Marin County. The report focuses on the role and responsibility of the Marin Telecommunications Agency (MTA), a countywide joint powers authority that was established in 1998 to to negotiate, collect, and disburse cable TV franchise fees and Public, Education and Government … Continued

PG&E Monthly Discounts

Did you know? Thousands of income-eligible PG&E customers could save up to 20 percent or more on their monthly energy bill by enrolling in Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s (PG&E) California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) Program. The CARE program gives income-qualified households discounts on their energy bills, but thousands of eligible customers are not signed … Continued

PG&E Launches New Weather Webpage

In preparation for the threat of wildfire, PG&E has launched a robust weather webpage to better predict when a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) is likely to occur. The PSPS Potential Forecast will provide an instantaneous sense of what’s going on and what’s ahead. The forecast encompasses nine geographic regions of PG&E’s service area (we’re in Region 3) and … Continued

New Weather Webpage Gives Customers Insight into Meteorological Matters, Gauges the Potential for the Need to Call a Public Safety Power Shutoff

As part of its efforts to prepare customers and communities for the growing threat of wildfire, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) has launched a robust weather webpage on, providing detailed, localized forecasts. Of special note, the page offers a seven-day, look-ahead regional forecast updated daily by a PG&E meteorologist or fire scientist that indicates the potential … Continued

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