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Jacoby Street

  The City Council will consider vacating a portion of Jacoby Street, a paper street that parallels Andersen Drive in southern San Rafael. A paper street is designated on a recorded document but is not necessarily constructed as a roadway, and can serve to allow utilities to provide services in a particular area. In this case, Jacoby Street … Continued

Freitas Parkway Undergrounding District

  In the 1960s the California Public Utilities Commission established a statewide utility undergrounding program to eliminate the concentration of overhead electric and telecommunication lines and wooden utility poles along major arterial streets, public areas of scenic value, and the downtown or civic center core. Funds to support this program are collected by utility companies, … Continued

Grand Jury Report on Vaping

On May 9, 2019, the 2018-2019 Marin County Civil Grand Jury released a report that addresses rapidly growing youth tobacco use spurred by the emergence of electronic cigarettes (or e-cigarettes). In their report, the Grand Jury Report recommends a four-pronged approach to combat vaping: (1) Limit the availability of flavored tobacco; (2) Educate students, teachers and parents; … Continued

General Plan 2040

Have you heard? We’re in the process of updating our General Plan, a guiding document that outlines the City’s vision, including policies for the future growth and conservation.  It’s a state-mandated document and covers topics such as land use, transportation, housing, open space, conservation, community design, and safety.  San Rafael’s current General Plan was adopted in … Continued

City Budget and Capital Improvement Program

At Monday’s meeting, the City Council will review and consider the City’s proposed budget for the new fiscal year, which runs from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020. The budget is the City’s fiscal plan that sets out anticipated revenues and expenditures for accomplishing a variety of municipal services over a one-year period. Basically, … Continued

Station 52 Has Arrived!

It has been a goal for at least a decade and it has finally been achieved. San Rafael’s Fire Station 52 is now open for service! On Monday, May 13, we celebrated the opening of the new fire station, which replaces the original station built in 1958, with a ribbon-cutting that was attended by our City … Continued

City Hall Closed on Monday, May 27 in Observance of Memorial Day

City Hall and all non-essential City facilities will be closed on Monday, May 27 in observance of Memorial Day. Emergency police and fire services will be available during this time. If you require assistance while we’re closed, visit our Service Center on our website. MORE INFO  

Water Safety Tips

Considering the unexpected rain we’ve experienced these past couple of days, the idea of summer, water, and recreation seems far-fetched… but I thought I’d let you know that May is National Water Safety Month. As the weather warms up (although not likely this weekend), it’s important to use good judgment and be safe around water. Here are … Continued

New All-Way Stop at Merrydale Road and U.S. 101 South Ramps

In response to concerns from some of our residents, our staff completed an analysis for an All-Way Stop at Merrydale Road and the U.S. 101 South ramps and got approval from Caltrans to do the work. Our Streets Maintenance Crews painted STOP legends and limit lines, refreshed striping, and installed STOP signs and advanced warning … Continued

Richmond-San Rafael Bridge Construction Update

Do you remember back in February when the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge temporarily closed because of falling concrete from the upper deck? Caltrans crews thoroughly inspected the bridge to make sure it’s safe to use and to assess the problem–and determined that the each of the bridge’s original joints, which date back to the mid 1950s, is in … Continued

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