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Northgate’s Pop-Up Library Gets New Lease on Life

Collaborative effort to remain open through at least April 2020 The temporary and experimental pop-up library at the Northgate mall in San Rafael has been such a success, the three partnering agencies have agreed to keep it open through April 2020. Created in December 2018 as a special holiday season treat for shoppers and other mall visitors, the branch … Continued

What’s your vision for Downtown San Rafael? Join us for a Design Charrette May 8th to 11th, 2019!

The City of San Rafael is hosting a multi-day design workshop (known as a “Charrette”) from Wednesday, May 8th to Saturday, May 11th to develop an updated master plan for Downtown San Rafael.  Charrette events will include community workshops and presentations, brown bag lunches, and two open ‘drop-in’ studios.   All members of the public are invited to come check out potential design concepts and share ideas with a group … Continued

How Does this Wildfire Prevention Plan Impact Me?

About the Draft Wildfire Prevention and Protection Action Plan  Preventing the start of a wildfire and reducing the speed and scale in which one may spread will be a community effort. Part of this effort relies on property owners and businesses completing potential changes to their landscaping. Future resales of properties and certain remodel projects will be impacted by new requirements … Continued

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