On June 7, 2021 the City of San Rafael City Council held a special presentation recognizing June as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer+ (LGBTQ+) Pride Month. The City of San Rafael has a diverse LGBTQ+ community and is committed to supporting visibility, dignity, and equity for all people in the community. June is a time … Continued
The City of San Rafael will be hosting the first pilot Public Art Advisory Group meeting next Tuesday, May 25 at 3:00 p.m. The pilot Public Art Group is made up of community members and local artists who will be providing feedback to groups proposing public art projects in San Rafael. Two projects will be … Continued
This year marks the 13th annual Transgender Day of Visibility, an annual awareness day celebrated around the world. The day is dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments of transgender and gender nonconforming people while raising awareness of the work that still needs to be done to achieve transgender justice. The City of San Rafael is home … Continued
San Rafael, CA – Following a nationwide search, the City of San Rafael is pleased to announce Jessica MacLeod as their new Director of Digital Service and Open Government. Jessica most recently served as Co-Founder and head of the Governments Team at U.S. Digital Response, a non-partisan, non-profit that provides rapid response to governments through … Continued
San Rafael, CA – Following a nationwide search, the City of San Rafael is pleased to announce Alicia Giudice as their new Community Development Director, effective June 1, 2021. Alicia brings 25 years of experience working in both the private sector and for local government. Alicia is currently serving as the City’s Planning Manager and … Continued
In October 2020, the San Rafael Social Justice Community Art Group (Group) formed in response to the community’s desire to support the social justice messaging which was embedded in the chalk art mural created over the Summer of 2020 honoring Breonna Taylor’s life at the intersection of Las Gallinas and Freitas Parkway. After multiple discussions, the … Continued
The Sidewalk Repair Program passed another significant milestone this month, having completed over 33,000 square feet of new sidewalk in San Rafael. 33,868 Sqft of sidewalk have been replaced at 196 properties and represent nearly 1.5 miles of new sidewalk. Work continues in the Peacock Gap neighborhood where 75 of 120 properties have already been … Continued
The Sidewalk Repair Program continues to make good progress in East San Rafael. The City and contractor have completed nearly 50 of the 110 properties signed up in the area. Green dots in the image above represent completed projects with blue dots to be completed. An impressive 42 properties on Riviera Drive alone have signed … Continued
The Sidewalk Repair Program resumed work in East San Rafael in early June. Since then, the City’s contractor, Van Midde and Son Concrete have completed sidewalks at another 30 locations on San Marino and Riviera Dr with an additional 70 properties scheduled in the neighborhood. Work will continue on Riviera Dr and start heading back … Continued
The Sidewalk Repair Program, like most construction in the State stopped and took a pause in March and April. With the amendments to the Shelter in Place order allowing construction to resume, the City and contractor, Van Midde and Son concrete have slowly started repairing sidewalk again. Additional protective and preventative measures are being taken … Continued