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SRP Update + Trees and Sidewalks Coexisting

Street Trees and Sidewalk: As the Sidewalk Repair Program (SRP) moves along, a common theme has played out throughout the City. The sight of trees, and specifically their roots damaging and lifting sidewalks is something most residents have seen firsthand. As a Tree City this presents a challenge, but the City of San Rafael has … Continued

Gerstle Park Sidewalk Repair Ramps-up

With great weather to work, Van Midde and Son Concrete has been busy and working hard to replace sidewalk, curb and gutter in Gerstle Park.  A program high, 12 properties are currently in the midst of getting their sidewalk repaired with 7 more properties expected to break ground within the next two weeks. Last week, … Continued

2018 Sidewalk Repair Complete in Sun Valley

Another week, another milestone! The 2018 Sidewalk Repair program poured concrete at the last property in Sun Valley today. With Sun Valley complete, the focus will turn to Gerstle Park with a heavy schedule lined up to take advantage of this perfect weather. Sun Valley by the Numbers: Total locations with sidewalk or curb and … Continued

2018 Sidewalk Repair Program Reaches the Quarter Way Mark

Despite the second wettest winter on record, the 2018 Sidewalk Repair reached the quarter way mark this week. With 7 more locations completed in the last two weeks, the program has now replaced sidewalks at 37 properties. Work continued in Gerstle Park as four locations on E St were successfully completed.  With the rains tapering … Continued

(CANCELLED) Development of the Vision Zero Initiative – Request for Proposal

The City hereby requests proposals from qualified consultants for providing various professional services related to the San Rafael Vision Zero Program development (Project). Proposals shall be submitted by firms that have a capable and demonstrable background in the type of work described in the section entitled “Scope of Work” of this notice. In addition, all … Continued

5/12/18 – Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPM) and Adaptive Traffic Control System (ATCS) Deployment and Project Management – Request for Proposal

The City of San Rafael (City) hereby requests proposals from qualified Consultants for the project management and oversight of Automated Traffic Signal Measures (ATSPM) and Adaptive Traffic Control Systems (ATCS) Projects. The final product sought is a completed and successful ATSPM implementation meeting all Innovative Deployment of Enhanced Arterials (IDEA) grant funding contract requirements provided … Continued

4/16/18 – Engineering Design Services for the Jean and John Starkweather Shoreline Park Bathroom Upgrade – Request for Proposal

The City of San Rafael (City) hereby requests proposals from qualified consultants for the design of a rehabilitation of an existing bathroom located at the Jean and John Starkweather Shoreline Park. The final product sought is construction contract documents including cost-effective design options, plans, specifications, and cost estimates ready for bid. Proposals shall be submitted … Continued

2018 Engineering and Traffic Survey – Request for Proposal

The City of San Rafael (City) hereby requests proposals from qualified consultants for the update of Engineering and Traffic Surveys (E&TS) along sixty-three (63) roadway segments throughout the city. The speed survey will include the development of recommendations for all study roadway segments based on information collected and provided by the City. The final product … Continued

Uncontrolled Crosswalks Evaluation and Prioritization – Request for Proposal

The City of San Rafael (City) hereby requests proposals from qualified Consultants for the evaluation and prioritization of uncontrolled crossings within City jurisdiction. The final product sought is a summary of ranked crosswalks in order of priority and recommendations with conceptual drawings for each location. Proposals shall be submitted by firms that have a capable … Continued

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