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Become a Recreation Contract Instructor

The City of San Rafael Library and Recreation Department continually seeks instructors to offer recreation programs to our community. We are dedicated to enrichment through discovery, learning and play. Our contract class program provides the community with access to a diverse range of educational, creative and recreational opportunities for preschoolers, school age children, teens, adults, families and older adults.

What the City Provides to our Contract Instructors

We will make available a variety of facilities including classroom facilities, auditoriums, gymnasiums and parks for contract instructor courses. These facilities are maintained to ensure the comfort of instructors and participants.

We will also include your course description in our Activities Guide, which is distributed to approximately 23,000 households three times a year, as well as on the City website. For After School Enrichment classes, information about your course will be distributed to each family at the school site via student Friday Folders.

Our computer registration system allows us to maintain facility booking for your course and to process registrations in an efficient manner. Instructors receive attendance reports and Library and Recreation staff provides instructors with contact information for all participants. We offer registration through three easy customer-friendly ways including online registration, mail, or in person.

Contract Instructor Handbook

The Contract Instructor Handbook provides guidelines that we require our Contract Instructors to adhere to, which include but are not limited to deadlines, maintaining a current City of San Rafael Business License, ensuring all Instructors and sub-contracts are fingerprinted, and/or TB tested prior to the first day of instruction.

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