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Brighter lights in the Canal

Posted on June 20, 2022

Through several different community processes, DPW has heard loud and clear that the street lighting in the Canal is insufficient. The Canal neighborhood has other challenges, like residents having to park on the street far away from their homes, walking home from the bus stops, and lack of marked bicycle facilities and the insufficient street lighting makes all of these things more difficult.

DPW upgraded streetlights at 35 locations in the Canal neighborhood including the lights on Hoag, Louise, Larkspur, Novato, Fairfax, Sonoma, and parts of Canal Streets.  The lights are now three times brighter than before the change-out.  If the community likes the changes, we will change the other lights in the neighborhood too.  We are grateful for the partnership with Voces del Canal who amplified the voices in the neighborhood and pursued the issue until there was a solution.

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