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Bungalow Ave from Woodland Ave to Picnic Street resurfacing update

Posted on July 19, 2021


The Department of Public Works will be resurfacing Bungalow Avenue from Woodland Avenue to La Loma Court late September.  These improvements are part of the City’s Street Resurfacing and are funded through gas tax.  Our project will follow the Sanitation District’s (SRSD) sewer main replacement project along Woodland Ave. Their project has begun and will likely run through August into September.  For more information on their project please visit:

Public Works anticipates all the work on Woodland Avenue (from Bayview to Picnic) will be done one weekend in consideration of the nearby school and facilities.  The work on Bungalow Avenue (from Woodland to La Loma) will take place during the week.    This project includes a full rehabilitation of the roadway, curb ramp installation, upgrading the crosswalks along the project area, as well as an added crosswalk across Woodland Ave. at Lovell Ave.  Please note that after a roadway receives rehabilitation, it will be added to the City’s moratorium list, which states that “no excavation shall be permitted in any portion of public right-of-way that was constructed or resurfaced until the pavement condition index (PCI) drops below a 70/100.” The City enforces a policy of full width restoration of any excavation on streets with a PCI of 70 or above.

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