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Canal Neighborhood Parking Study

Posted on February 11, 2022


One of the big transportation issues in the Canal neighborhood is the on-street parking supply that can’t keep up with the parking demand. With the help of W-trans, and in collaboration with Parking Services, the area has been studied and assessed for potential improvements. After changing the parking time limits to 24 hours in the residential areas and other changes in the commercial core, we saw a decline in demand for on-street parking, but it didn’t completely solve the problem. We continue to make changes, such as restriping a street with angled parking or extending pavement limits to allow for more on street parking. We are working with the community to figure out additional measures that will improve the neighborhood.

W-trans has led two working group meetings. Some measures that the task force wants to implement include changing the time-limits in the commercial areas to be 24-hours (instead of 4-hours) and partnerships with landowners for use of their parking lots for overnight parking. Staff is also looking forward to additional ideas from task force members.

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