Progress continues! New guidelines have been posted to Marin Recovers allowing additional businesses (that follow specific criteria) to reopen Monday, June 1, 2020, including, outdoor retail, office space, outdoor dining, and curbside library services. We’ll be working to open our Downtown and Pickleweed libraries for curbside pickup beginning Wednesday, June 3rd – stay tuned! Additionally, more parks and beaches will be opening up to motorized access on June 1st. Marin County Parks has curated … Continued
The death of George Floyd is appalling and unacceptable. We in law enforcement must continue to improve and hold ourselves to a higher standard. The men and women of the San Rafael Police Department (SRPD) strive to reach that higher standard every day and are committed to providing professional, fair, compassionate, and dedicated law enforcement … Continued
Access to COVID-19 testing continues to increase in our community. In the past three weeks, Marin County has nearly tripled its testing capability. Widespread testing is a crucial step in containing the virus and moving us forward on our path towards recovery. Anyone who is feeling sick should get tested. Also, even if you aren’t experiencing symptoms, it’s recommended that you get tested if you were exposed … Continued
Can you believe Memorial Day weekend is coming up!? We hope you’ll take an opportunity to relax and reflect. Maybe enjoy a local trail or park, go out for a bike ride or walk in your neighborhood, have a barbecue with your household, or treat yourself to a frozen dessert. Don’t forget to thank the people in your life who have served … Continued
Happy Friday, San Rafael! Today, the County Health Officer issued an updated Parks Public Health Order that supersedes the order issued on April 29. Under the new order, certain parks and open spaces in Marin County will allow motorized vehicle access again, effective May 18. This means you will now be able drive to some of your favorite trailheads to enjoy the outdoors. Not all areas are open yet, so please check this list before heading out the door. … Continued
At the last City Council meeting, staff presented a report on preliminary financial impacts that projects revenue losses of almost $12M through July 2021. The City Council also took several actions to curb expenses including voluntary retirement and work hour reduction programs as well as mandatory furloughs. On Monday night’s meeting, the City Council will review a … Continued
Also on Monday, the City Council will hold a public hearing to review an annual housing report required by the State. The report must include data on housing development applications submitted, approved units, building permits issues, built units, etc. Since January 2020, the City Council has approved four development projects that total 150 units, and … Continued
On Monday evening, City Council will receive a two-part report from City staff: the preliminary Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and the Measure A – Open Space Work Plan. The CIP is a planning document that summarizes the City’s planned capital and infrastructure improvement projects. Measure A, a tax passed in 2013, is used to preserve … Continued
It’s hard not to notice the amazing progress of the construction at the Public Safety Center (PSC). In the next few weeks, we plan to finish the site walls, brick stairs, and landscaping around the building. Interior finishes, such as: carpet, wall panels, whiteboards, and countertops are currently being installed; additionally, audiovisual, fire alerting, surveillance and other integral systems are being finalized. Solar … Continued
Coming soon… Last week the State of California announced that retail businesses could begin reopening for curb-side pickup, subject to local orders. Later this week, Marin County will provide reopening guidelines for retail businesses in Marin to reopen on Monday, May 18th—we can’t wait! The goal is to reopen safely and thoughtfully, while maintaining compliance with the Public Health Order. Tomorrow evening at 5:30 p.m., Supervisor Damon Connolly will host “office hours” and has invited Vice … Continued