Category: From the City Manager’s Desk

Assessment Districts

The City Council will hold public hearings for the Baypoint Lagoons Landscaping and Lighting and the Point San Pedro Road Median Landscaping Assessment Districts. The proposed assessment for the Baypoint Lagoons Assessment District is $131.44 per parcel and supports the maintenance of various infrastructure, including streets, sidewalks, storm drains, landscaping, lighting, the playground, and more. … Continued

Jacoby Street

  The City Council will consider vacating a portion of Jacoby Street, a paper street that parallels Andersen Drive in southern San Rafael. A paper street is designated on a recorded document but is not necessarily constructed as a roadway, and can serve to allow utilities to provide services in a particular area. In this case, Jacoby Street … Continued

Freitas Parkway Undergrounding District

  In the 1960s the California Public Utilities Commission established a statewide utility undergrounding program to eliminate the concentration of overhead electric and telecommunication lines and wooden utility poles along major arterial streets, public areas of scenic value, and the downtown or civic center core. Funds to support this program are collected by utility companies, … Continued

Grand Jury Report on Vaping

On May 9, 2019, the 2018-2019 Marin County Civil Grand Jury released a report that addresses rapidly growing youth tobacco use spurred by the emergence of electronic cigarettes (or e-cigarettes). In their report, the Grand Jury Report recommends a four-pronged approach to combat vaping: (1) Limit the availability of flavored tobacco; (2) Educate students, teachers and parents; … Continued

General Plan 2040

Have you heard? We’re in the process of updating our General Plan, a guiding document that outlines the City’s vision, including policies for the future growth and conservation.  It’s a state-mandated document and covers topics such as land use, transportation, housing, open space, conservation, community design, and safety.  San Rafael’s current General Plan was adopted in … Continued

City Budget and Capital Improvement Program

At Monday’s meeting, the City Council will review and consider the City’s proposed budget for the new fiscal year, which runs from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020. The budget is the City’s fiscal plan that sets out anticipated revenues and expenditures for accomplishing a variety of municipal services over a one-year period. Basically, … Continued

Tales of the City: Downtown San Rafael Utility Box Art Program

**We are currently not accepting applications to paint utility boxes but will re-evaluate as budgeting and policy changes. Please check back here for any future updates.** Each year, the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce hosts a nine-month Leadership Institute, a leadership development program for professionals seeking to make a difference in their community, expand their network, and understand … Continued

Jim Hogeboom Appointed Superintendent of San Rafael City Schools

The San Rafael City Schools (SRSC)  Board of Education recently appointed Jim Hogeboom as their Superintendent, effective July 1. Currently, Mr. Hogeboom is the Superintendent of the Novato Unified School District (NUSD), where he led the district of approximately 7,600 students for the past four years. He began his teaching career as a high school … Continued

San Rafael City Schools Transitioning to Trustee Elections

San Rafael City Schools (SRCS) is switching to by-trustee area elections (also known as district elections). Currently, Board members are elected in “at-large” elections, where each member is elected by voters throughout the District’s territory, including both the elementary and high school regions. Beginning in 2020, the SRCS Board of Education will be elected based … Continued

Marin Audubon Society Receives Nearly $1 Million Grant for Tiscornia Marsh Restoration and Sea Level Rise Adaptation Planning Project

Great news! The Marin Audubon Society was selected by the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority to receive a grant of up to $968,916 for the Tiscornia Marsh restoration and sea level rise adaptation project. The Tiscornia Marsh site covers 20 acres of tidal marsh and bay lands located north of East Canal Street. The marsh has experienced considerable erosion … Continued

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