Category: From the City Manager’s Desk

General Plan 2040 Update

Have you ever closed your eyes and imagined what San Rafael could look like in 20 years? Well, we’re in the process of updating our General Plan–a guiding document that covers topics such as land use, transportation, housing, open space, conservation, community design, and safety. After a series of community engagement and outreach meetings and events, our … Continued

Speed Limit Changes on Los Gamos Drive and Redwood Highway

Every 7 to 10 years the California Vehicle Code (CVC) requires that posted speed limits along collector and arterial roadways be reviewed by an Engineering and Traffic Survey. The City entered into contract with W-Trans on April of 2019 to conduct surveys in May 2018, and based on their findings, staff is now recommending that the speed … Continued

Cannabis Regulations

Back in December 2017, the City Council approved new regulationsrelating to medical cannabis businesses in San Rafael. While this action didn’t approve any medical cannabis businesses to open, it instead set up the regulatory framework for this type of business. Specifically, these regulations authorized three license types: cannabis testing labs, medical cannabis infused products manufacturing, and … Continued

Tales of the City: Police Canine Ares Retires

If you love dogs, you’re in for a treat: San Rafael Police Department Canine Ares is retiring from the San Rafael Police Department and he’ll be joining us at Tuesday’s City Council meeting for recognition of his 6+ years of service to the City. That may not sound super long to you, but it is … Continued

Short-Term Rentals

At Tuesday’s meeting, staff will be presenting an information item to the City Council regarding short-term rentals… but what is a “short-term rental” exactly? A short-term rental (sometimes referred to as a vacation rental or STR) is typically defined as a rental of a residential dwelling unit or accessory building for periods of less than … Continued

SMART Construction Continues at the San Rafael Transit Center

Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit District (SMART) construction is progressing at the San Rafael Transit Center in preparation for SMART’s rail extension to Larkspur, which is scheduled to be completed later this year. While we’re looking forward to being able to take SMART all the way to Larkspur, the construction to get this project completed will … Continued

400 Upper Toyon Drive

Also on Tuesday night, the City Council will be considering an agreement with the Town of Ross relating to the annexation of a property that lies at the border of San Rafael and Ross. The property owner of 400 Upper Toyon Drive, San Rafael, CA 94901, submitted an application to the Marin Local Agency Formation … Continued

New Play Structures for Pickleweed Park

The San Rafael Department of Public Works, in collaboration with the San Rafael Community Services Department, is looking for your input regarding the replacement of the current play structures at Pickleweed Park. Surveys are available in both English and Spanish and will be open through February 21. Take the survey in English or Spanish.

Changes at the Downtown Library

If you’ve visited the downtown library in the past week, you will have noticed some changes that are underway at our west entrance (on E Street).  The desk in the lobby has closed to make way for new, improved shelves for requested materials. You will now find all of your holds here including books, DVDs, … Continued

Best of Marin County 2019

Marin Magazine has launched their 2019 Best of Marin County survey, which showcases the most popular dining, entertainment, and services establishments across Marin. Do you have a favorite bookstore, coffee shop, restaurant, or fitness and recreation place? Well, now’s your chance to show these local businesses some love by voting for them in the 2019 … Continued

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