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Category: From the City Manager’s Desk

Affordable Housing – June 18, 2018 City Council Meeting

Also on Monday evening, the City Council will consider a resolution supporting the Veterans and Affordable Housing Bond Act. In response to the housing crisis, in the fall of 2017 the California State Legislature and Governor Brown passed a series of new bills, including new measures to increase financial support for housing creation.  Senate Bill … Continued

Text An Issue

Pothole on your street? Street light out? Something broken at your neighborhood park? You can text our Public Works department at (415) 993-9797. Tell us the issue, where it is and send us a photo if possible. We’ll let you know once it’s fixed.

Multi-Use Pathway – June 4, 2018

On Monday evening, the City Council will also consider authorizing a request to SMART to issue a change-order to facilitate construction of a multi-use pathway from Andersen Drive to Rice Drive. This is a very important north/south bicycle and pedestrian connector that will eventually connect downtown San Rafael to Larkspur. The project would be folded … Continued

New Business Permitting Portal

We are excited to announce the launch of our new business permitting portal! The portal helps small businesses with their pre-work on researching zoning, fees, and site selection within San Rafael. The tools guide applicants through permitting workflows and estimates permit requirements and costs across all departments so applicants can understand the full scope of … Continued

Animal Control – June 4, 2018

Also on Monday night, the City Council will hold public hearings to revise the animal control ordinance and update the fees. Proposed changes will incorporate recently approved changes to the Marin County ordinance with regards to potentially dangerous and vicious dogs, veterinarian reporting requirements for rabies vaccinations, and expanding the list of prohibited exotic animals. … Continued

Camp Chance – June 4, 2018

Camp Chance is a 5-day residential summer camp with a mix of challenging physical, mental and emotional activities. Over 850 middle school at-risk and underserved youth have benefited from Camp Chance since 1999. San Rafael police officers join with Marin County Sheriff deputies to participate with the kids in all activities; this informal and personal … Continued


At their 7 p.m. meeting on Monday, the City Council will consider amending the City’s municipal code to allow wholesale medical cannabis distribution businesses within the City limits. This action would not approve any cannabis businesses. Rather, it would set up the regulatory framework to allow the City to be able to regulate this type … Continued

5/17/18 – Francisco Boulevard West Multi-Use Pathway

Also on Monday, the City Council will receive an update and consider next steps for a multi-use path that will connect 2nd Street to Andersen Drive and parallel the future Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) rail line. The multi-use path would provide a dedicated space for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other active transportation users to use. … Continued

5/17/18 – Capital Improvements and Open Space – Fiscal Year 2018-19

At Monday’s meeting, the City Council will also consider two budgetary matters: the Three-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and the Measure A – Open Space Work Plan. These two items will be incorporated into the City’s Fiscal Year Budget as part of the budget process next month. The CIP is the long-range plan for all … Continued

City Council Goals & Strategies – 2018

At their 7 p.m. meeting on Monday evening, the City Council will hear an informational report about the draft City Council Goals & Strategies for Fiscal Year 2018-19. This guiding document consists of a set of goals, strategies, and key implementation tasks for the upcoming fiscal year, and parallels the City budget. The goals are … Continued

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