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Category: From the City Manager’s Desk

2018 Sustainability Priorities

At their meeting on Monday evening, the City Council will hear two reports from staff about our sustainability initiatives; the first will be about our greenhouse reductions and the second will outline our priorities for 2018. San Rafael’s greenhouse gas emissions dropped 16 percent between 2005 and 2015, meaning the City is making progress towards … Continued

Community Homeless Fund

Homelessness is a regional challenge and requires collaboration between public agencies across Marin. A couple of years ago, the Community Homeless Fund was established to help fund regional approaches to solving homelessness, such as a rotating shelter program in the Winter months. On Monday evening, the City Council will consider participating in the fund by … Continued

Annual Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Strategy Update

Each year the City Council Sustainability Liaison, Councilmember Kate Colin, works with City staff, and community members to identify key priorities taken from our Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) to be implemented during the year. Some of the high priority goals include adding solar to City Hall with EV charging stations, achieving LEED gold certification … Continued

Measure A – Transportation Sales Tax

The Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) plays a major role in funding transportation projects and programs that improve mobility, reduce congestion, and provide a transportation system with more options for those living, working, visiting and traveling in Marin County. TAM administers the expenditure plans for Measure A, the ½ cent sales tax measure passed in … Continued

Time-Limited Parking in East San Rafael

On Monday evening, City staff will present an informational report about new parking time limits in the residential and commercial sections of East San Rafael. These new time limits were developed as part of a parking study in East San Rafael, which was prompted in response to concerns relating to parking availability. The first phase … Continued

Cannabis: Tax and Zoning

On Monday evening, the City Council will consider two items related to cannabis. The first item is whether to place a measure on the June 5, 2018 ballot to levy a “commercial cannabis industry special tax”–a special business tax– on cannabis businesses in San Rafael. If approved, voters in San Rafael would vote on a … Continued

City Council to Consider General Plan Work Program March 5

On March 5, 2018, the City Council will consider a resolution approving a detailed work program for the General Plan Update, including descriptions of each task to be performed, and a project budget and schedule.  The 90-page work program outlines 15 tasks and over 100 sub-tasks to be completed over a three-year period, culminating with … Continued

“Demo Day” at the Rafael Theater

On Tuesday, City staff hosted a “Demo Day” at the Rafael Theater where cross-departmental teams shared ideas they developed to solve various challenges. This was the culmination of a 3-month long program where City staff learned about human-centered design and how to apply it to their work as public servants. The teams worked on illegal dumping, new … Continued

Business License Renewal

Business license renewal notices have been distributed to all businesses with active licenses in San Rafael. Each license renewal is due by February 15 and the City accepts cash, checks, money orders, and most major credit cards. Licenses may be renewed online via credit card or eCheck at  For questions about business licenses, please call … Continued

Low Income Apartment Pilot Program

Marin Clean Energy’s newest pilot, the Low-Income Families and Tenants(LIFT) program, offers income-qualified owners and tenants of multi-family properties, such as apartment buildings, an opportunity to save money and electricity while improving quality of life for residents. $1,200 per unit is available to fund energy efficiency improvements and appliances for items such as pipe insulation, more … Continued

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