Category: From the City Manager’s Desk

Charting Progress to 2040

Do you have an interest in what San Rafael looks like in 2040? Then you should be sure to participate in our General Plan process! The City’s current General Plan 2020 has been in place since 2004 and as we approach 2020, is nearing the end of its useful life.  At their Monday, February 6 … Continued

2/3/17 – Sidewalk Maintenance

Over the last several months, our Public Works Department has worked with a number of neighborhoods to collaborate on an approach to sidewalk and tree maintenance. On Monday evening, the City Council will consider pursuing a shared sidewalk and tree maintenance program whereby the City matches the funding provided by the adjacent property owner up … Continued

Southern Heights Bridge

At Monday’s meeting, City Council will consider options for replacement of the Southern Heights Bridge. The bridge is currently 9 feet wide, accommodating only a single lane of two-way traffic with no sidewalks.  The replacement of this bridge is fully funded by the Highway Bridge Program (HBP), a federally funded program that enables states to … Continued

Resolutions of Appreciation

At Monday’s City Council meeting, the Council will acknowledge Sean Prendiville, who is retiring from the Library Board after 13 years of service. In addition to serving as the Board Chair for several years, Sean has been an enthusiastic and vocal supporter of public library services in San Rafael; especially when helping draw crowds into … Continued

Disaster Preparedness

After a major disaster, it might be several days before vital city services are restored. Your best defense is to be informed and prepared for emergencies, both at home and in your place of business. Here are 3 easy things you can do to prepare for an emergency: Sign up for Nixel and other alerts … Continued

Want to be more involved in your Downtown?

The Downtown San Rafael Business Improvement District is looking for engaged, passionate BID Members who are interested in serving on the BID Board of Directors. If having your finger on the pulse of the community and creating new ideas and initiatives for downtown sounds like something you’d like to be involved in, please visit … Continued

Business of the Year Nominations

Help the Chamber of Commerce recognize our incredible local businesses by submitting a nomination for the 2017 Business of the Year Awards! Nominations are currently being accepted for the categories of Large Business (25+ employees), Small Business (less than 25) and Joe Garbarino Green Business of the Year. Winners are announced at the 2017 State of … Continued

Summer is around the Corner!

We’re hiring for: lifeguards, swim instructors, and pool attendants for the Terra Linda and Hamilton Community Pools.  You must be at least 15 years old at the time of hire. Lifeguard Training classes are held monthly. Applicants, who apply early and are hired, can secure a space in the upcoming February courses at a discounted … Continued

Special Study Session on SMART

On Thursday, January 19 at 5 p.m., the City Council will hold a study session to discuss a variety of issues and projects related to SMART in San Rafael. This meeting is open to the public and will take place in our City Council Chambers at City Hall. Join us to hear about work done … Continued

Proposition 64

On Tuesday, January 17, 2017, at 5 p.m., the City Council will host a study session on Proposition 64, the control, regulate and tax adult use of marijuana act (AUMA). The City Council will review State licensing and permitting structure, State taxation and revenue allocation, and explore local options for future Council action.

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