Category: From the City Manager’s Desk

Annual Financial Report

Also on Monday, the City’s financial auditors and Finance Director Mark Moses will present the annual financial reports for fiscal year 2015-2016, which ended on June 30, 2016. The City’s General Fund Emergency Reserves continue to meet the target level of ten percent of operating expenses established by City Council Policy. Read about that and … Continued

Contempo Marin

San Rafael’s Mobilehome Rent Stabilization Ordinance restricts the rents that may be charged at mobilehome parks within the City.  However, expenditures qualifying under the ordinance as capital improvements or replacements are not considered to be part of the base rent, allowing the park owner to pass the costs of reasonable capital improvements through to the … Continued

Residential Building Resale Program

Also on Monday, the San Rafael City Council will consider making improvements to the City’s residential building resale (RBR) program. The primary goal of the RBR program is to protect the health and safety of San Rafael residents by inspecting for unsafe, hazardous, or unpermitted work as a residential unit is changing ownership. The California … Continued

270 Linden Lane Appeal

At Monday’s regularly scheduled City Council meeting at 7 p.m., the City Council will consider an appeal of an approved, new, two-story single-family residence located at 270 Linden Lane.  The Design Review Permit for the new home was reviewed by the Design Review Board (“DRB”) on two occasions, and recommended for approval. The Zoning Administrator … Continued

Special Study Sessions

On Monday, November 7 at 5 p.m., the City Council will hold a special study session to discuss the potential for an integrated business relationship between the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce and the Business Improvement District. Then at 6 p.m., the City Council will hold a special study session on Latino Outreach. Dr. Mara … Continued

SMART Quiet Zone

At the last City Council meeting, the City Council discussed a request from the City of Novato to apply jointly for a comprehensive Quiet Zone that would stretch from downtown San Rafael north through Novato. A Quiet Zone is a defined area of track where the horn is not required to sound (except when at … Continued

Homeless Report Update

Also at Monday’s meeting, the City Council will hear an informational presentation on the Homeless Outreach Team (HOT ) pilot program, as well as the status of the Ritter Center Memorandum of Understanding  (MOU).  HOT is an innovative new program in Downtown San Rafael that is working to get chronically homeless individuals off the street.  … Continued

Transit Center Update

The City Council will receive an informational update on the San Rafael Transit Center Relocation Study at their meeting on Monday. Relocation of the transit center will be necessary when SMART extends service to Larkspur, as the location of the tracks will directly impact bus operations.   This grant-funded study focuses on identifying both interim and … Continued

Essential Facilities Contracting

As the City proceeds with the Phase I Essential Facilities Projects, contractors must be selected to build the Public Safety Center as well as Fire Stations 52 and 57.  Because these projects are highly complex and costly projects, for the construction of critical public safety infrastructure buildings serving the public’s needs, it is very important … Continued

Labor Negotiations – SRFCOA

At their last meeting, the City Council discussed a proposed MOU pertaining to compensation and working conditions for the San Rafael Fire Chief Officers’ Association (SRFCOA). At Monday’s meeting, the City Council will consider approving this MOU.  

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